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Invoking vs. Evoking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:06 am
by Elia
Invoking vs. Evoking

Some believe these terms are interchangeable, but there is a difference.

When one invokes control is given over to the Deity, you invite them to share your head-space. Invocation is a calling into.

Evocation is a calling forth. Your asking your Deity to join you but you have control.

This subject has been can be confusing and has been a topic of hot debates. Some traditions can and do use these terms interchangeably, while others are very specific about the meanings.

Re: Invoking vs. Evoking

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:05 am
by Ouroboros
I only evoke, when a Goddess has claimed me, then I may chose to invoke. Still waiting.