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Lughnasad ~ Lummas

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:42 pm
by Elia
Lughnasad is on Aug 1 (my birthday) half way to autumn.

This holiday represents the first of Celtic autumn, and is the last of the four great
fire festivals of the Celtic year. Altho it is the first of three annual harvest. (Maybon being second and Samhain being the final one) It is a time to enjoy the Mothers beautiful bounty.
There is a celestial event that coincides with the season of Lughnasad. Meteor showers!!
They are know as Perseid meteor showers and usually start around July 17 , and peaking on Aug 12, but they can go on until Aug 24.
Look along the north eastern horizon, after midnight, this is one of the most reliable meteor showers to occur each year.
The Perseid meteor shower was also known as “the Children of Perseid” so look toward his constellation and enjoy the show.

Re: Lughnasad ~ Lummas

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 7:40 am
by arianllwynog (nog)
Our ancestors did not look at time the way we do for the period from May to October was Summer the rest was winter these two seasons and the cycle of the Moon governed their lives, the seasons as we know them came about in the 16th/17th century Lughnasadh being the time of the first harvest with Mabon as the time of the final harvest.