Why Meditate

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Why Meditate

Postby Elia » Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:01 am

There are no hard and fast rules telling us exactly how to meditate, so we must find ways that are comfortable for us that work for us personally. Then, all we can do is give it a try and with time, hope and sometimes luck, we get it!

For those just learning to meditate, I thought those of us who have practiced it might begin to build a guide, contributing our favorite tried and true tips that have helped us along the way.

Some Preliminary Steps

Try to eliminate the most obvious and controllable distractions (ie, television, outside noise, phone). If living with others, persuade them not to interrupt you for a while. If you are anything like me, and have nosy pets – make sure they are settled somewhere first (barging in barking or meowing and jumping in your lap will quickly snap you out of any progress you are making, not to mention scare and annoy you!)

Dress comfortably – something soft and non-restrictive is nice. Be careful though not to under-dress or dress too warmly.

Setting the mood – many prefer to dim the lights or use candlelight for meditating. Whatever will instill the most calming environment. Also any incense you find relaxing may be incorporated, providing the smoke will not bother you. Soothing music or nature sound CDs can be played in the background if you like as well.

The following are some of the benefits of meditation:
• A calm mind
• Clarity in daily life
• More thoughtful, sensitive and compassionate to others and the natural world
• Mental strength
• Refreshing mentally and physically
• Spiritual experiences
• Inner peace
• Tranquility
• Feel fully alive
• Stills and clams thoughts & emotions
• More powerful thinking
• Develops a sense of unity, connectedness and oneness
• Greater self-awareness
• Greater self-acceptance
• Helps us to see and unravel the deep mysteries
• confront ourselves
• receive visions and symbolic messages,
• commune with the divine o
• surface hidden wisdoms
• develop mental and psychic which is particularly useful for the practices of Witchcraft.
• improve concentration
• Improve patience
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
Posts: 3842
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:12 pm

Re: Why Meditate

Postby patrah » Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:13 pm

Been trying to meditate lately....
So tired I fall asleep before it happens....
Would like to do lucid dreaming....
Same thing....
Fall asleep....
When move completes, will set up a place....
May have to put all altars and meditation space in one room....
Grand children will be visiting once I put my "lions and wolves" out of their way......
Children will not let their children around me pets.....
It's ok, I want them to me self.....
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

Re: Why Meditate

Postby Elia » Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:03 pm

I can meditate when I'm waking in the morning, i'll start to realize I'm waking up, and then start changing my dream state to meditation, usually about a half hour, then when I get up I'm more clear minded. It works better than late night (I fall asleep too) and in the middle of the day no quiet time. I should practice more and learn to do it mid day, but to many people yelling up the stairs for me, or just running up here.

(oh wait that could be the happy pills) :lol: kidding
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
Posts: 3842
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:12 pm

Re: Why Meditate

Postby Ouroboros » Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:59 pm

I have been meditating for years, I have had many Masters and Swami teachers. Usually they teach meditation with Mantras. Mantras are meaningless words that keep your mind ocupied, they are usually kept secret and are wispered in your ear by your teacher. To speak of the words out loud will take their power away. I have had other teachers who say to only listen to the sound of your breath going in and out. The sound of your breath is the word of God. In the beginning was the Word. It was the first breath in. When you die you have to give it back.
Love and Laughter
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
Posts: 3729
Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:15 am

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