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Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:27 am
by Ouroboros
This is mostly for you Elia V.
Spell #1

Mix together in a saucepan
1 level tsp of Salt
12 pinches of dried Sage
10 drops of lavender
add half pint of water, warm the potion on the stove, but don't boil, as it heats up say out loud...

With powers bestowed
My luck will grow
With effortless ease
My home they will see
Magical movement will shine upon me
Swift my transition
So mote it be

Let the potion cool , then completely submerge your hands in the liquid and walk aroun every room in the house shaking droplets from your fingertips with every sprinkling say...

This home will sell soon

Sprinkle the potion all over the house every day until all is used.

Spell # 2

Houses have spirits, Houses and land develop a very protective attitude towards their owners. Sometimes these spirits do not want their owners to leave i.e. the spirits repel potential customers. Here is how to get them to cooperate.

Get a good bottle of glass with a good lid, fill it with crystals, leaving a little space at the top.
You can use fragments of quartz crystal, but also, if you are desperate and need to sell the house really fast, a little domestic salt will work.
Take the bottle outside with you and stand in fromt of the door while you look towards the house.
Remove the lid and pronounce the spell to sell your house.

"I'm here to invoke my spirit,
This is my time, my memories, my power,
Deliver me, House and me
To make us free and be able to move forward"

Now come into the house with the open bottle, and leave memories, energies, and all the stuff that happened in the house entering in the bottle. Take your time, walk through all the rooms, one by one, while you regain your energy and make it enter the crystals from the bottle.
when you've walked all over the house, basement, attic, backyard and feel that now all that energy has been released fro the house, tightly close the bottle and put it somewhere safe for now.
Do a small ritual of thanks to the house for the refuge that has given you, to bless it and wish good luck for it,perhaps giving a parting gift, either a repair, a coat of paint or simply caress the walls. Tell it now that it must find the right people to move there and take your place.
Your home is not just a thing.
When you have your new home, open the bottle and leave it open for about two hours to keep your energy in the new house. The bottle can then be discarded. :mrgreen:

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:54 am
by Elia
Dang those sound good, that would mean another trip up there :? it's a long drive, the interstate is faster, but the old road is less miles, (like 6 miles :lol: )
My damn printer is broken it wont turn on, I may have to get another :o I did finally get myself a police scanner, it's cool, now I can hear what's going on when 20 sirens go by the apartment.

Ill see which one of these I could do the easiest, I don't have electric there anymore, or anything for that matter, it's empty :cry:

I got to spend time with Bella!!!

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:26 pm
by Ouroboros
The house is probably missing you. Nice to have had time with your kittie. I had trouble with my printer a while ago too. I could'nt get it to print, but it would photo copy so I knew it was'nt broken. I finally got it to go by going into properties and switching ports or something. It was a freaking miracle actually. So frustrating.

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:09 pm
by Ouroboros
I have done a double sigil for the Supermoon, one to sell your house quickly and one for me thanking the Universe for my inspiration and creativity. So mote it be.

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:16 pm
by patrah
Hey what about a new house spell...?
Or a completely repaired house spell?...
I will be looking into....
May I have some nudging in that direction?...

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:11 pm
by Ouroboros
That would be a huge spell indeed! I have been asking for a new house for years.

Re: Sell your house spell

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:30 pm
by Elia
My printer wont turn on, it's plugged in just wont come on :cry:

I do so appreciate home selling spells.