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need spell/intentions help?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:52 pm
by Madame Marigold
Hi guys, tomorrow evidently we are going down under.... Under the trailer to set more anchors to stop its slide.. :o

All this rain? now our home is sliding badly! We have peered it, anchored it, tied it down all those goodies and some doubled/tripled up! (the peering) by professionals~ but the erosion is still hacking away at us. So hubby is getting the ?Machine? or whatever it is he needs to help get the anchors in deep (ground real rocky) and he wants to put at least 7 or so more.

He is going to make me get out there I know he is.. :( just to sit and talk or listen... deep sigh. Love him dearly but my wheelchair don't fit under the place. it just don't. ANYWAY was hoping someone might have a idea of ??? spells? Runes? or something I can put on or around the frame or? To HALT it maybe??????? off to go surf for any magic'ly goodness ideas..... (((hugs)))) Will appreciate any ideas or inspiration......getting more and more frustrated with it. :roll: :D

Re: need spell/intentions help?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:36 pm
by Elia
I don't know about that sweetie, seems Mother Nature had her way in several States and a lot of people have lost everything. I will certainly pray for you and your home that it stays firmly on ground. Be very careful a lot of lives have been lost.

Re: need spell/intentions help?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:12 pm
by Ouroboros
You need some firm footing. Stay safe, can the trailer be moved further back on the property?

Re: need spell/intentions help?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:30 pm
by Madame Marigold
No, it was brought in 12 years ago and you know the old hind sight is 2020 saying? YEp we gots it now!
nothing has been positioned like we would like it or need it nowadays! :lol:

We did have a engineer and the company that did setting trailers etc do it all at the start, spent quite a lot peering , straps tripled etc.... just the whole 9 yard plus but NO ONE not even the core of engineers though it would erode like it has. Just way to many angles and pitches and RAIN I guess.
(maybe that why it has just started?)

We did get 5 more anchors in this morning got them down good and he will strap them this afternoon or tomorrow. (still 4 more we can do later on) And as it gets further into spring he is thinking of doing even MORE peers and once son get out of jail THAT will be the BIG help. He can get into spots dad cant and I am not much use anymore.... just set there plug in the power cord or unplug or toss wrenchs in etc :lol: Not the oracular bunny today I was the tool monkey!

When we first got here I could get at least up and down and help with the stuff that is done low or in small tiny spaces. So dad is gonna have to be satisfied with son. He just hates asking anybody! Me it doesn't bother him to ask for my help but anyone else? HELL no.. stubborn, stubborn man.
:roll: :P (Still think a runic spell cant hurt and might help) hmmm just debating

Re: need spell/intentions help?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:56 pm
by Elia
You're right it cant hurt. I'm glad you have at least 5 more anchors.