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Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:38 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of rain, sea and water.

Tsovinar ("Nar of the Sea") is the Goddess of rain, sea and water. She was a fire creature, who forced the rain and hail to fall from the heavens with her fury.


Pantheon: Armenian
Abode: Rain, Water
Element: Water, Fire


God of War, metalsmith of the Gods

Hadúr ("warlord", "lord of the armies") is the god of fire, War, and metalsmith of the Gods. He is the son of the Golden Father and Dawn Mother. He is depicted as a man with long hair and armour and weapons made of copper. He made the legendary sword, Sword of God (Isten kardja). He lives on the third level of the World Tree in the Copper Forest.


Pantheon: Hungarian
Abode: World Tree
Crystal: Copper
Symbols: Armour, Weapons, Swords

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:33 pm
by Madame Marigold

Water Goddess

Bylgia ("billow") is a water and sea Goddess. She is one of the nine daughters of ægir and Rán. She was one of the billow maidens, the personifications of waves. She wears white robes and veils.

Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Seas
Colours: White
Element: Water
Symbols: Waves

God of War.

Hachiman ("God of Eight Banners") is a God of war and archery, and a god of warriors. He is also divine protector of Japan and the Japanese people. He worshiped by peasants as the god of agriculture and by fishermen who hoped he would fill their nets with fish. His symbolic animal and messenger is the dove.

Pantheon: Japanese
Animals: Dove
Planet: Mars
Symbols: Bow, Dove, Mitsudomoe

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:30 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of the River Boyne.

Boann (Boand) ("White Cow"), is the Goddess of the River Boyne. She created the river by circling the well of Segais (Well of Wisdom) counter-clockwise causing the waters to surge up violently and rush down to the sea.


Pantheon: Irish
Abode: Rivers
Animals: Salmon, Cow
Colours: Green, Blue, Aqua, Silver
Consort: Nechtan, Elcmar, Nuada
Crystal: Aqua Marine, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Silver, River Stones, Amethyst
Day: Monday
Direction: West
Element: Water
Incense: Violet, Myrtle, Lemon, Rose, Jasmine
Musical Instrument: Harp
Offerings: Hazel Nuts
Planet: Moon, Venus
Plant/Tree: Hazel Tree, Willow
Symbols: Cauldron, Chalic,e Cow, Hazel
Tarot Card: Cups, The Moon
Time: Twilight, Yule, Imbolc


The messenger of the gods.

Hermodr the Brave ("war-spirit"), was the messenger of the gods. He agreed to go and offer Hel a ransom in exchange for Baldr's return to Asgard. On reaching Hel's hall, Hel announced that Baldr would only be released if all things, dead and alive, wept for him. He is the son of god Odin and often equated to the Greek god Hermes.


Pantheon: Norse
Animals: Horses

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:42 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of the Night and the Hunt.

Artemis is the Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women. She often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. Artemis was worshipped throughout Greece, particularly at Delos, her birthplace, Brauron in Attica and Mounikhia in Sparta.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Forests
Animals: Stags, Hunting dog, Deer
Day: 6th Day
Element: Earth
Offerings: Saffron
Planet: Moon
Plant/Tree: Cyress Tree
Symbols: Bow, Arrows, Moon


God of fishermen, luck, and workingmen.

Ebisu is the God of fishermen, luck, and workingmen, as well as the guardian of the health of small children. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. His festival is celebrated on the twentieth day of the tenth month, Kannazuki.


Pantheon: Japanese
Abode: Sea
Animals: Jellyfish, Sea Bass
Colours: Red
Element: Water
Time: October

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:09 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of prophecy.

Fauna (Fatua, Fenta Fauna) is the Goddess of prophecy and fruitfulness, fertility and Spring. She is said to be either the wife, sister or daughter of Faunus. It is said that she speaks of future events to women in woodlands in poetic verses.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Woodlands, Fields
Consort: Faunus
Element: Earth


God of purification.

Februus is the God of purification and was worshipped by the Etruscans under the same name. He is associated with the underworld and a god of riches. His name gives rise to the English month of February. His month is Februaius, a time when the spring purification festival occurred.


Pantheon: Roman
Symbols: February

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:40 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess who guarded the Palatine Hill.

Palatua is the Goddess who guarded the Palatine Hill. The Flamen Palatualis was her official priest and scarifices made to her on the day of the Septimontium was called Palatuar. She was charged with guarding the Palatine Hill and civic responsibility.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Palatine Hill
Element: Earth


God of Love.

Cupid ("desire") is the god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. Anyone who is shot by Cupid's arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire. His Greek counterpart is Eros. He is often depicted as a winged child, often in multiples as the Amores, with a bow and arrow which are the source of his power. He is said to be the son of Venus.


Pantheon: Roman
Animals: Bees, Dolphins
Musical Instrument: Horn
Offerings: Honey
Symbols: Bow and Arrow, Torch

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:10 pm
by Madame Marigold
July 3rd 2016

Mama Zara
Goddess of grain.

Mama Zara ("maize mother") (Mama Sara, Saramama) is the Goddess of grain and fertility. She was associated with maize that grew in multiples or were strangely shaped. Dolls were sometimes made from these plants and dressed as Mama Sara in a robe and shawl.


Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Fields
Element: Earth
Plant/Tree: Maize, Willow Tree


The father of the tribe.

Maadteraajja was the father of the tribe and husband of Maadteraahka. He is the God that gives people their souls. His wife gives people their bodies.


Pantheon: Sami
Consort: Maadteraahka

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:56 pm
by Madame Marigold

Snake goddess and protector of Lower Egypt.

Wadjet ("green one") is a snake goddess and protector of Lower Egypt. She was originally the goddess of the city of Dep (Buto), called Per-Wadjet (House of Wadjet) by the Egyptians. She is associated with the protection of the pharaoh, of women in childbirth and the land. She is depicted as a snake-headed woman or as a snake. The Going Forth of Wadjet was celebrated on December 25 with chants and songs.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Snakes
Colours: Blue, Green
Consort: Hapy
Direction: North
Offerings: Chants, Songs
Plant/Tree: Papyrus
Symbols: Snake, Sun Disk, Uraeus
Time: December 25th, April 21st


Father god and creator.

Achamán ("the skies") is the father god and creator God of the Guanches. He created the land, water, fire and air, and all creatures derived their existence from him. He is said to live on the summits of the mountains. In mythology, Magec, the Sun God was kidnapped by Guayota and locked him up in Teide (a volcano), plunging the world into darkness.


Pantheon: African
Abode: Mountains

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:03 pm
by Madame Marigold

Fertility Goddess.

Kotys ("war, slaughter") ("Cotys") is a Fertility Goddess and goddess of sex, she worshipped in the festival Cotyttia. The Cotyttia was an orgiastic, nocturnal religious festival celebrated secretly in the hills at night. Her priests were called baptes or "washers" because their pre-worship purification rites involved bathing.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Forests
Element: Earth
Offerings: Wine, Sex
Time: Nighttime


God of Fire.

Xiuhtecuhtli ("Turquoise Lord", "Lord of Fire") is the god of fire, day and heat. He was the lord of volcanoes, the personification of life after death, and food during famine. Xiuhtecuhtli was considered to be mother and father of the Gods, who dwelled in the turquoise enclosure in the center of earth.


Pantheon: Aztec
Animals: Alligator, Butterfly
Colours: Turquoise
Consort: Chalchiuhtlicue
Crystal: Turquoise
Element: Fire
Offerings: Fire, Statues, Dancing, Singing
Symbols: Flint, Mamalhuatzin

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:35 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of moon.

Meztli is the goddess of the moon, the night, and farmers. She was the protector of harvests and promotor of growth. The Otomi people called her the Old Mother, she represented both Moon and Earth simultaneously. She is the female form of the god Tecciztecatl. She sacrificed herself so that darkness would end and there would be light during the day.


Pantheon: Aztec
Planet: Moon
Time: Night


God of Wells and Springs.

Fontus (Fons) is the God of Wells and Springs. The Fontinalia was held on October 13th when fountains and wells were adorned with garlands. Fons was the son of Juturna and Janus.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Wells, Springs
Element: Water
Offerings: Garlands
Symbols: Water
Time: Fontinalia

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:12 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of forbidden love, who blesses all illicit love affairs.

Lofn ("comforter", "loving") is the Goddess of forbidden love, who blesses all illicit love affairs. She is described as gentle in manner and as an arranger of marriages, even when they have been forbidden.

Pantheon: Norse

God of water and rainstorms.

Pariacaca (Paryaqaqa) is the God of water, rainstorms and a creator-god. He was born a falcon but later became human. He hatched from an egg on the summit of Condorcoto. He is said to bring forth floods.


Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Mountains
Animals: Falcon
Element: Water
Symbols: Eggs, Water

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:30 pm
by Madame Marigold

Xi Wangmu
Queen Mother of the West

Xi Wangmu ("Queen Mother of the West") is a Goddess of prosperity, longevity, and eternal bliss. She is depicted holding court in her palace on the mythological Mount Kunlun. She also wears a headdress with the Peaches of Immortality suspended from it.


Pantheon: Chinese
Abode: Mountains
Direction: West
Symbols: Peaches


Father of all reptiles.

Tu-te-wehiwehi (Tu-te-wanawana) is the God and father of all reptiles. He is a son of Punga and brother of Ikatere, the fish god and father of all sea creatures. After the separation of Rangi and Papa, Ikatere and Tu-te-wehiwehi had to flee, Tu-te-wehiwehi took refuge in the forest and fathered lizards.


Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Forests
Animals: Lizards
Element: Earth

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:44 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony.

Concordia is the Goddess of agreement, understanding, and marital harmony. Her Greek equivalent is usually regarded as Harmonia. She is also associated with Pax ("Peace") and social stability. Concordia was depicted sitting, wearing a long cloak and holding onto a patera (sacrificial bowl), a cornucopia (symbol of prosperity), or a caduceus (symbol of peace). A Temple of Concord stood on the Roman Forum.


Pantheon: Roman
Symbols: Patera, Cornucopia, Caduceus


God of fertility, sun and rain.

Freyr ("Lord") (Frey) is the God of fertility, sun and rain. He is associated with kingship, virility and prosperity, with sunshine and fair weather. Freyr is one of the Vanir, the son of the sea god Njodr, brother of the goddess Freyja. He has a magic sword which can fight on its own. He is said to bestow peace and pleasure on mortals and is usually depicted as a phallic symbol. He was called upon for fruitful seasons and peace.


Pantheon: Norse
Animals: Boars
Consort: Geodr
Element: Earth
Symbols: Sword, Phallus

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:21 pm
by Madame Marigold

The triple goddesses of fate and destiny.

Norns are the goddesses of fate and destiny of gods and men. They are said to live at the Well of Urdr (Well of Fate) beneath the world tree Yggdrasil. The three most important norns are Urdr ("Fate"), Verdandi ("present") and Skuld ("future"). The norns are said to visit each newly born child to allot his or her future.


Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Well of Urdr


God of the sun and of judgment.

Istanu ("Sun God") is the God of the sun and of judgment. He is depicted bearing a winged sun on his crown or head-dress, and a crooked staff.


Pantheon: Hittite
Abode: Sun
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Winged Sun, Staff

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:56 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of healing.

Meditrina is a Goddess of health, longevity, wine and healing. The Meditrinalia was celebrated on October 11 in honor of the new vintage. Offering to the Gods via libations were made for the first time each year.

Pantheon: Roman
Offerings: Wine

Tu Di Gong
God of wealth and merit.

Tu Di Gong ("God of Fortunes and Virtues") is an earth God and God of wealth and merit. He was invoked in times of drought or famine. He is also offered prayers for wealth and well being. He is usually depicted as an old man with a long white beard, a black or gold hat and a red or yellow robe.


Pantheon: Chinese
Colours: Black, Gold, Red, Yellow
Consort: Tu Di Po
Symbols: Staff, Ingot

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:16 pm
by Elia
I enjoy these, thanks for posting them!!

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:39 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of Night

Nyx ("night") (Nox) is the Goddess of Night. She is the mother of Hypnos (Sleep), Thanatos (Death), Aether (Brightness) and Hemera (Day). Shis one of the first born of the Gods. She had an oracle on the acropolis at Megara. She is depicted as a winged Goddess or riding a chariot that brings the night.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Tartarus
Colours: Black
Consort: Erebus
Time: Nighttime


God of justice and duelling, archery and skiing.

Ullr ("Glory") is the God of justice and duelling, archery and skiing. He is said to live at Ydalir ("yew-dales"). Oaths to him were sworn over rings. He is said to the son of Sif and is described as being "beautiful to look at as well and he has all the characteristics of a warrior. It is also good to call on him in duels."


Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Ydalir
Plant/Tree: Yew Tree
Symbols: Bow, Yew Tree

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:54 pm
by Ouroboros
I like Nyx!

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:29 pm
by Madame Marigold
(I love Nyx as well!)


Daughter of the sea.

Hatepuna ("sea child") (Hatepinu) is a Goddess and daughter of the sea. She is the wife of Telipinu, the God of Farming.

Pantheon: Hittite
Abode: Sea
Colours: Telipinu

God of War

Zababa (Zamama) is the God of War and patron god of the city of Kish. His symbol is an eagle-headed staff. Several ancient Mesopotamian kings were named in honor of Zababa. He is associated with Ninurta.

Pantheon: Hittite
Planet: Mars
Symbols: Eagle Staff

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:59 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of marital felicity and longevity.

Sati (Dakshayani) is the Goddess of marital felicity and longevity. She is the first consort of Shiva, the second being Parvati, the reincarnation of Sati herself. She was born of mortal parents at the bidding of the God Brahma.


Pantheon: Hindu
Abode: Mount Kailash
Consort: Shiva


God of the Earth.

Geb is the God of the Earth and a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis. He is the consort of Nut, the goddess of the sky. He is usually depicted as a recling man wearing a crown or goose. His body, the earth, was called the 'House of Geb'. He is also at times depicted with green skin and plants growing from his body. He is one of the Gods who watch the weighting of the Heart in the afterlife. It was believed his laughter were earthquakes and that he allowed crops to grow.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Earth
Animals: Goose
Colours: Green
Consort: Nut
Element: Earth
Symbols: Goose

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:47 pm
by Madame Marigold

Kuka Mama
Goddess of health and joy.

Kuka Mama ("mother coca") is a Goddess of health and joy. She was originally a promiscuous woman who was cut in half by her many lovers. Her body grew into the first coca plant.


Pantheon: Inca
Plant/Tree: Coca Plant


God of execution, slaughter, blood, oil, and wine.

Shezmu is the God of execution, slaughter, blood, oil, wine and perfume. He also has a beneficial side protecting the virtuous dead in the Underworld and offering them red wine to drink. He punishes the unrighteous, placing their heads in a wine press to remove the blood and lassoes sinners for the slaughter-block. He is depicted as a man, a lion-headed man or as a hawk. During the New Kingdom Shesmu was revered as a god of the oil press who produced unguents, fragrant oils and perfumes.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Underworld
Colours: Red
Offerings: Wine, Grapes, Perfume

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:39 pm
by Madame Marigold

Pastoral Goddess.

Hapantali (Hapantaliya) is a pastoral Goddes who cares for the sheep of Istani. When the Moon fell from heaven Hapantali and Kamrusepa help to restore him.


Pantheon: Hittite
Abode: Fields
Animals: Sheep
Symbols: Sheep


Sun God

Inti is the Sun God and patron deity of the Inca Empire. He is known as the Giver of Life and was worshipped mainly by farmers who called on him to receive good harvests. The Sapa Inca, as ruler of the people, claimed divine heritage and direct descent from the Sun; he was the living son of Inti. Inti taught his son Manco Cápac and his daughter Mama Ocllo the arts of civilization and they were sent to earth to pass this knowledge to mankind. Inti is represented as a golden disk with a human face.


Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Sun
Colours: Gold
Consort: Mama Quilla
Crystal: Gold
Element: Fire
Offerings: Food, Drink
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Sun
Time: Winter Solstice

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:38 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of Discord and Strife.

Eris ("strife") is the Goddess of Discord and Strife and chaos. She is said to have two natures; one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel; the other stirs up even the shiftless to toil. She is closely associated with the war goddess Enyo.


Pantheon: Greek
Symbols: Golden Apple of Discord


Falcon god of war.

Monthu (Montu) is a falcon god of war of Thebes. He represents the conquering vitality of the pharaoh. Initially a manifestation of the scorching effect of the sun, he aquires the characteristics of a warrior and eventually a war-god. Montu is said to manifest himself in a white bull with a black face. He is depicted as a falcon or bull headed man wearing the sun disk with two plumes on his head.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Consort: Tyenenyet, Raettawy, Iunit
Planet: Mars
Symbols: Sun Disk, Knife

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:57 pm
by Madame Marigold

Goddess of Panic and War.

Nemain (Nemhain) is the Goddess of Panic and War and one of the battle furies. She is said to be able to kill 100 men with just one single battle cry. She is the wife of Neit the god of battle. She may be an aspect of the Morrígan.


Pantheon: Irish
Abode: Battlefields
Colours: Red
Consort: Neit
Planet: Mars


God of the Sea.

Pontus (Pontos) is a primordial God of the sea. He is the son of Gaia with whom he fathered Nereus, Thaumus, Phorcys, Ceto and Eurybia. With the sea goddess Thalassa he fathered the Telchines and all sea life. He is usually depicted as a giant head rising from the sea with a beard and crab-claw horns.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Sea
Animals: All Sea Animals
Consort: Gaia, Thalassa
Element: Water
Plant/Tree: Seaweed
Symbols: Sea, Seaweed, Rudder

Re: Goddess and God of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:52 pm
by Madame Marigold

Fire Goddess

Caca (Cacia) is a Goddess of Fire and Hearth and sister of Cacus. She betrayed her brother by revealing the location of the cattle to Hercules. She had a shrine in Rome where sacrifices were made to her through the agency of the Vestals.


Pantheon: Roman
Animals: Cattle
Element: Fire


God of Darkness

Erebus ("deep darkness, shadow") (Erebos) is a primordial deity and the personification of darkness. Born from Chaos, the formless state before the creation of the universe, he was one of the five that came into existence. Said to be the father of Aether (God of the upper atmosphere) and Hemara (Goddess of the Day). Erebus is also used to refer to a region of the Underworld where the dead had to pass immediately after dying.


Pantheon: Greek
Colours: Black
Consort: Nyx
Element: Earth
Time: Nighttime