Tarot card of the day

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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 16, 2018 9:08 pm


Moon Tarot Card Meaning

Moon Card Symbols

A full moon (with a crescent within), twin pillars, two dogs/wolves howling, a stream that runs to the ocean, a crayfish emerging out of the water.

Moon Tarot Story

Following the star the Fool travels through the night. The full Moon rises, illuminating for him a watery path. And he begins to feel disoriented, as if walking in his sleep. He passes under the moon, between two pillars ancient and strange. Suddenly, he looks around to find himself in another land entirely. When he was in the presence of the High Priestess, he saw hints of this dark land through the sheer veil draped behind her throne. And later, when he hung from the tree, he felt himself between the physical world and this one. Now, he has at last passed behind the veil.

Here are the mysteries he sought, the darkest mysteries, ones that have to do with the most primal and ancient powers. It is a land poets, artists, musicians and madmen know well, a terrifying, alluring place, with very different rules. Wolves run wild across this land, hunting along side maidens with bow and arrows. Creatures from childhood nightmares and fantasies peer from shadows, eyes glowing.

The path the Fool was walking is now a river, and he stands hip-deep in the powerful pull of its salty waters. There is, on the nearby shore, a small boat, but it has no rudder, no oar. The Fool realizes he has only two choices. He can lose himself in this desolate, primal land of madness and illusion, howl with the wolves, be hunted down, or he can get into the boat and trust himself to the river. The moon will be in control either way, but in the boat his surrender to the powers of the unconscious will at least take him somewhere.

Inspiration, visions and genius are the rewards of such surrender to the Moon's Magic, as artists, poets and seers know. The Fool gets into the boat, and shoves off. As the waters sweep him away, moonbeams light his "path" and he feels the Mistress of this dark land gazing down at him with the High Priestess's approving eyes.

Moon Tarot Card Meaning

With Pisces as its ruling sign, the Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. At its darkest this can be a very scary card warning the querent of hidden enemies, mental illness, alcoholic blackouts or a bad drug trip. At its very best, however, the Moon is a card of genius, of mental breakthroughs, astonishing creativity, powerful magic, and intuition.

The querent who gets this card should be warned that they may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial, a time when they'll do things that seem to make sense to them, yet when they come out of it they'll wonder, "Why did I do that? It makes no sense!" Their mind will be playing tricks on them, and so this is not a good time for making decisions that require rational thought and a clear head.

This card can, likewise, signal a crazy time for relationships. Whirlwind romances, powerful and dreamlike, but not trustworthy. For families and friends this is a time of emotional ups and downs.

If the querent has any past mental problems, they must be vigilant in taking their medication and seeing their therapist. They should avoid recreational drugs or alcohol, they will have a bad reaction if they take either. At the same time, the Moon signals great creativity, enhanced psychic powers, visions. The querent's judgment may not be trustworthy, but they will have intuitive flashes that are remarkably accurate.

Thirteen's Observations on the Moon

This is the card of that scary, dreamy, secret otherworld where lies the most powerful and dark magic and artistic talents. Thus, it is the card for the most extreme types who seem to be straddling that line between artistic genius and psychopath.

Here are the wild, mean, crazy drunks who produce groundbreaking works with pen or paintbrush. Here are the musicians with wicked mood swings, dark, dark, dark depressions and charming manic modes. These men and women have no inhibitions and don't even try to control themselves in polite society. Their crazy behavior is sometimes inspired, sometimes horribly embarrassing, even unbelievable and often dangerous. But the art, poetry, music they produce....it's magic.

This is also where seers, mediums and holy men/women find themselves after weeks of fasting, prayers and meditation, when they finally have that holy vision. Here is the magical forest in fairy tales, the wasteland in myths where heroes meet with spirits, oracles, sphinxes and their own shadow selves. There is no predicting what will happen when we go to this land in dreams or while hallucinating on mushrooms. And there is no predicting how it will change us.
The Moon is the wild card of the Major Arcana.
When I get this card, I let the querent know they're in for an emotional and mental rollercoaster ride. They're going to be moody, sensitive, and a little irrational. They can do two things, either wander through this crazy, lunatic landscape howling at the moon (get drunk, wallow in depression, alienate friends and family with wild, antisocial behavior), or get in a boat and go through it purposefully. Meaning that they should probably take up painting, writing poetry or some other creative endeavor where they can transform all they're seeing and feeling into something beautiful.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 17, 2018 8:55 pm

5/17/18 (Nova Tarot deck)

Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

A family delights in a rainbow of cups. This card indicates that the querent has risen above petty emotions, like anger or resentment, to mature emotions. Meaning that they are able to feel what others feel, and know how to respond to them and create an emotional connection. This, in turn, allows them to create the sort of family, friendships and neighborhoods we all dream of having. Ones that know how to offer emotional support, understanding and comfort.

Thus, the card predicts that the querent has the instincts, control and maturity to get out of emotional difficulties and misunderstanding; they know how to restore emotional harmony between family members, friends and neighbors. As advice, it urges the querent to be empathetic, also to smile, be kind, be warm, be emotionally generous, and to trust their emotional wisdom.

It also predicts good times with those we love-reunions, holidays, special occasions. If any such are coming up, the querent can be told that they'll go better than expected.

As for relationships, the querent can be told to remember the love that brought the them and their partner together and ought to be holding them together still. Put aside the disagreements over money or work or politics and delight in the rainbow.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri May 18, 2018 4:16 pm

5/18/2018 (Nova Tarot deck)

A reader may wonder how this differs from The Tower, which is about a similar reveal. The Tower reveals that something you were passionate about is false, and that is most important. With the Tower, the querent had no idea, none at all, that what they thought was true was not true. They believed it heart and soul.

With the Three of Swords, the querent usually senses that something is up even if they don't know what. A friend has been avoiding you, perhaps, or making strange excuses. Something is up, but no one will say what. It feels like everyone is keeping something secret from you. And you may even have your suspicions of what.

The Three of Swords indicates that it's going to finally come out. It will be hurtful, the words sharp, piercing. "I don't like you," or, "I want to break up," or "I'm in love with your best friend" (ouch!). But it will not be a bolt out of the blue. It may even be a relief to finally know. No more waiting, obsessing, wondering, worrying about what could be wrong. This cutting truth, however bitter and painful, allows all that tension and uncertainty to finally drain out. The querent knows how things stand, the truth about how they're seen by others. This development allows them to move on.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon May 21, 2018 8:08 pm

5/21/2018 (Nova Tarot deck)

Two children among six flowering cups. There is a great deal of rich and complex symbolism in this card, but in a nutshell, it is a moment of innocent love, the boy and the girl both touching that one cup with the flower in it. He gets joy from giving it to her, and she gets joy in receiving it from him.

This card is most often viewed as nostalgia, of some old friend or thing coming back into our lives and letting us relive a happy moment from our past. The real meaning, however, is "joy," in particular, a known joy. This is the connection we make with someone (or something) who always makes us feel happy. They, in turn, get an equal measure of joy from making us happy.

The joy we get is familiar and reliable. This might be gained by flipping through old photos and remembering happier times, chatting with a beloved family member, meeting with good friends for a drink, indulging in familiar foods, or enjoying the comfort of a favorite pair of slippers.

As with all the sixes, this remarkable moment of happiness cannot last, no more than the children can stay innocent children. This known joy, like a bowl of chicken soup, can make everything right and better for the moment, but the querent should not rely on it as a miracle cure. This card can also warn that the querent is too attached to the "known," and afraid to experience anything new or unknown. They may be too reliant on old habits or too attached to an old lover.

For this moment, however, the reader can tell the querent that this is what they need to restore emotional equilibrium: to connect with someone or something that they know will make them happy.

(Almost done with the Nova deck! Sorry didn't post last couple of days son came home for hubbys birthday) Soon will be time to start a new deck! hmmm choices choices) Wink I don't think I have entered any of them twice, I sure hope not! 9PS I think it is! :o )
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 24, 2018 7:48 pm

5/24/2018 Nova tarot deck

Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

A man sees seven cups floating on a cloud, each with something enticing rising out of it. This is the "daydream" card. Cups are the suit of emotions, but also fantasies and illusions. It is card where our own dreams and emotions make the situation difficult. Think of a girl who gets asked out by three different boys. Her strong emotions toward each keep her from saying yes or no; instead, she indulges in fantasies of how the dates might go, which not only puts off the decision, but makes it harder.

This is the Seven of Cups where you, the chooser, are given the challenge of getting past mixed emotions and self-deception. It predicts that the querent is or will be faced with choices that emotionally pull them in several directions. Daydreams of what could be will further muddy the waters. Seven, as mentioned, is a number of creativity, and cups are the suit of creative dreamers. Which makes the challenge of this Seven to rein in that abundance of creativity. To stop it from running wild.

Emotions, too, have to be reined in. The querent needs to concentrate on what they really feel, really want and can realistically imagine getting from each of these choices. The choice must be made not hastily, but soberly and maturely. And definitively.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat May 26, 2018 2:04 pm

5/26/2018 Nova tarot deck

Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

As Travel: Travel to lake, river or sea, or by water.

As Change and Movement: As with the Teen years, this card can indicate changes that involve emotional ups and down. The mood in the querent's environment, with friends or family, might switch rapidly from elation to depression, from sorrow to optimism. Especially in regards to a relationship this card can indicate a time of emotional flux, of fights about feelings.

As a Teen or "Teen-like" Person: A knight in the truest sense, this is the knight of love, the "emo" teen: dreamy, sensitive, moody, "deep." He plays music, spends long hours alone in his room with the shades drawn, he writes dark, meaningful poetry. He or she will fall in love, profoundly and romantically, and believe that theirs is the most true, the most intense and spiritual love ever.

They can, likewise, see themselves as more spiritual, artistic or "deep" than others. They have a tendency to believe that others just "don't understand" and can't understand the power of their feelings.

The Knight of Cups should be watched for depression, which can be very real and serious. This teen or teen-like person may be so lost in emotions that they are inclined toward suicide. They are also in danger of experimenting with drugs and alcohol, not to have fun, but to escape from their intense feelings.

Though moody, the Knight of Cups is fiercely loyal to anyone and anything he loves, including family.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue May 29, 2018 3:32 pm

Yeah hubby was home friday on thru till today so this is first chance to be able to post anything tarot card related! Very frustrating to say the least~ anyway here is todays tarot card! (only 5 left to go! ) new deck waiting......

5/29/2018 Nova Tarot deck

Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

A man leaves behind eight cups to follow the moon. There are two views on this card. Some view it as a kind of "morning after." In this interpretation, the querent has been indulging, possibly for a while, in luxuries, drink, etc. Or, at least, indulging in what seemed important to him.

Now he has "sobered up" and realized that he wasted his feelings on something or someone who, like cheap wine, wasn't worth it. Like the Lion, he leaves the wild where he roamed free, and seeks the Maiden (the Moon) where there he may not feel so freely, but will gain more from those feelings.

This can be taken literally as a card about the querent sobering up from binge drinking or a wild relationship and realizing that it brought him down, made him seem uncivilized and brutal. Now he wants to do better.

The other view of his card is similar, but less harsh. The querent may genuinely care for these familiar cups (things or people) whether or not they lived up to expectations. A crazy new dream, however, is calling to him, maybe has been calling for a while. His instincts are to follow the dream. But good idea or not (an inverted card might suggest that it's a bad idea or an illusion), he'll need fortitude to do this. It is easy to give your emotions freely to what is known, harder to give them to what is unknown. Yet the unknown is what will likely raise you up to a new level.

In both instances, the card tells the querent that whatever they've been investing their emotions in, it has brought them down, made them less of a human being than they want to be. They need to give their feeling to that that which will en-noble them. This something will not be found in any familiar places. They must have the fortitude to search for it elsewhere.

This can be a card of separation or divorce, or perhaps a spiritual calling. It could also imply a literal move or trip, especially from an established home to a new, unknown one in an unknown land.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 30, 2018 7:20 pm

5/30/2018 Nova tarot deck

Star Tarot Card Meaning

Star Card Symbols

Seven or eight stars, a kneeling woman (usually nude), a pool of water, two urns.

Star Tarot Story

On the bleak landscape where the Tower stood, the Fool sits, empty, despairing. He hoped to find direction on this spiritual journey, a path to his spiritual self, but having just learned that most of his life was a lie, he now feels lost. Sitting on the cold stones, he gazes up at the night sky wishing for some kind of guide. And that is when he notices, nearby, a beautiful girl with two water urns. As he watches, she kneels by a pool of water illuminated with reflected starlight. She empties the urns, one into the pool, one onto the thirsty ground.

"What are you doing," he asks her. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling like stars. "I am refilling this pool, so that those who are thirsty may drink, and I am also watering the earth so that more fruit trees will grow to feed those who are hungry." She nods back to a single fruit tree that stands nearby, a nightingale singing amid its branches.

"Come," she invites. "Sate your hunger and quench your thirst."

The Fool plucks some fruit from the tree, then kneels by her and drinks from the pool. The water tastes wonderful, like liquid starlight, and the fruit is equally delicious. Both help to heal his wounded heart.

Having quenched his thirst and sated his hunger, the Fool lays back to gaze up at the stars. "They're so beautiful," he said, "but so distant."

"Like possible futures," agrees the girl. "Cool and distant. Yet if you keep one in sight, it can guide you to your destination no matter how far away it is." Even as she says this, she began to fade away, like dew, vanishing. All that remains is a gleam that was at the center of her forehead. This rises up and up, until it settles in the night sky as a shining star. "Follow your star," the woman's voice seems to sing from that light, "and have hope."

The Fool takes in a breath and rises. It is a dark night, a desolate land. But for the first time, he has a guiding light to show him the way. Distant as it is, it restores his faith.

Star Tarot Card Meaning

With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing, even unexpected help to offer us sustenance in bleak times.

Thus, the card says that there is aid and assistance out there to help us though hard times, like organizations that offer food and shelter in the wake of a terrible flood or fire. This assistance might, to us, be a friend or counselor, an uplifting book or music, anything that appears in our life and heals our wounded spirit. More, the card tells us that we can achieve what we most want to achieve, like flood or fire victims wanting to rebuild. This future, however, won't be growing to full size overnight like Jack's Beanstalk. It will take time and we must not lose sight of it.

This may seem like cold comfort. No one wants to hear that the person they're interested is not interested in them, but will be in the future. Or that they will not succeed today, but will later on in their life. Still, it is there, a glimmer of light in the darkness. The question is, do we feel it's worth waiting for or not?

That is the question the Star makes us ask ourselves: What do we want bad enough that we will go the distance for it? The answer will tell us as much about what we are as what we could be.

Thirteen's Observations on the Star

The Star is one of those cards that almost everyone loves. It is often the most beautiful card in the deck and its image suggests the peace and harmony of its meaning.

While this card offers hope and possibilities, however, the reader must remember that these are in the distance. Only a time of healing and peace, like the oasis of water before the Star, are in the now. Like Aquarius, the card's vision is for tomorrow. This means that if the querent is seeking love, a career, fame, wealth or even spiritual enlightenment, they can only be told that it is a possibility. It is not going to happen anytime soon. But if, like a ship navigating its way, they keep the star in their sights, they will eventually reach that other land they're seeking.

The Star offers no guarantees, of course, that the traveler won't tire and give up or be lured in another direction. And there is no telling what obstacles they'll encounter along the way. All the Star promises is that a particular future can exist.

The Star offers peace and healing and a glimpse of the future. It is up to the querent to decide if they are willing to go after that future, no matter how long it may take them to get there.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 31, 2018 5:02 pm

5/31/2018 Nova tarot deck

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Five similar young men with five wands battle among themselves. When you invest energy in a project, you often find that it develops and grows quickly in the early stages, but not in later stages. Like a small company just starting, or someone who runs for mayor of a small town, the lack of serious competition make success likely. But when that company gets big enough, or the little mayor wants to be a state representative, then winning becomes harder. More competition, or just stronger competition makes it harder.

The Five of Wands is about this moment when we find ourselves competing with others who have just as much clout and ambition. It predicts conflict and power struggles, inner doubts and fears. Like an athlete who stands out in high school, yet in college finds that he's not so amazing or special, we can lose our passion and drive to succeed.

This is, as with all the fives, a blow to one's pride. The question: "how can I stand out?" The answer is to over come your fear of competition and be bold. This is not the time to retreat or play it safe. This is the time to pull out all the stops and do something different.

The querent should be advised that they're looking at some stiff competition. The battle may be playful, a test rather than serious, but their performance could make a difference to their future.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:00 pm

6/1/2018 Nova Tarot deck (Only 2 cards left after today then onto a new deck!)

Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

A man dead with ten swords in his back. There are cards in the tarot that can scare querents and this is one of those. Readers should remind their sitters, however, that Swords refer to the mind and communication, not murder.

When, like the Wheel, thoughts come back around to the top carrying with them all past discussions, arguments, analysis and attempts to solve problems, they also come to an end. There is no more left to know about the subject or say about it. Dramatic and frightening as this image is, it essentially says that any path your mind could go down has been gone down; any discussion you could have on this topic has been discussed.

Of course, the image doesn't just portray a death, but a murder and a brutal one at that. Stabbed in the back. The words and thoughts of others can stab you in the back, murdering your theory, idea, reputation. Any of these may be the victim portrayed in this image, but there is a positive. The worst has been done. And new theories, ideas and even reputations can be found.

When the querent gets this card the advice is that it is time to end whatever has been on their mind, or whatever issue they've been arguing or discussing. They have gone as far as they can with these thoughts or argument. Even if they could argue more or differently, everyone is tried of listening to them. It is also likely that dwelling on this issue has left the querent's mind weary, dull, dead. It is time for a new topic that will enliven the mind rather than keeping it pinned to the ground.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:26 pm

6/5/2018 Nova Tarot Deck

Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

A woman wakes from a nightmare, nine swords on the wall. It can be a good thing to find what you seek, except when it comes to ideas, words or problems. Find too many of them and they will overwhelm you especially, as with all the nines, you focus them on yourself.

We all know this card, it is the one where we wake up at night and go over our troubles, problems, worries, thoughts, our failings, problems we haven't yet solved, ideas that went wrong, things we should not have said that we did.

The querent is at the height of their anxiety, far too focused and far too critical of themselves. There is a positive aspect, however, to this waking from nightmares, which is that the querent may be seeing things out of proportion. If they "wake-up," as this card suggests they can or will, they might see that things aren't so bad or unmanageable.

This card could also be literal in predicting insomnia, or far too many sleepless nights alone and awake going over and over whatever worry or problem is gnawing at you. The querent's life may seem like a bad dream to them, one they wish they could wake up from. One thing is sure, however, this despair and anxiety only makes the situation worse, and offers no solutions. The querent must find a way to get out of their heads.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:07 pm

6/6/2018 Nova Tarot Deck (last card!)

Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

As a Message: Wands often signify travel as well as passion, religion, temper and career. This card can signify a message from far away about a trip, career move, leadership position or something spiritual or philosophical.

As Time and Environment: This card can relate to a time of new learning, new discoveries, new inventions. There is child-like excitement and energy to get things started.

As a Child or "Child-like" Person: The Page of Wands is the sort of child (or child-like adult) who is full of energy. Manic, we might call him/her. They always want to go outside and play and are always getting into strange places, climbing trees, wanting to go to distant places, like to amusement parks or on camping trips. He/she is never home for dinner on time, and can be frustrating. However, he/she is also so charismatic and optimistic that they're often forgiven. He/she is but happy, fun-loving, enjoys being the center of attention and the leader.

Warn the querent, however, that being "immature" this person might tend to bully others or throw temper tantrums.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:48 pm

6/8/2018 Ann Stokes Gothic Tarot (LWB meanings)

3 of Wands: "from the tallest peak, the dragon surveys the world below. He is free of the borders and the restrictions that hold you and I. he takes to the air, in a quest to seek out new horizons."

Aclectic Tarot's meanings: Three of Wands

A man with two wands, holding a third, looks out to sea, waiting. Sometimes there are boats on the horizon. This is the card of "waiting for the ships to come in."

The person has invested their passion in something - a new career, a big move to a new city (remember wands signify travel as well), maybe they've even thrown their hat into a political ring - and now the energy they sent out is coming back to them. It is a card of progress, of the first hint that the dream can be made real.

This card also indicates that, like a woman holding her new born babe in her arms for the first time, or a politician hearing that the first round of votes are for him/her, the querent might rightly be feeling a little proud, even powerful. They might be warned, however, to not get too excited. Though there is a sense that positive results are coming in, they should wait till the ships have all appeared and docked before celebrating or boasting.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:42 pm

6/11/2018 (Goddess Wisdom Oracle deck)

GODDESS CARD FOR TODAY: BENZAI-LEN The goddess of Talents. Wealth, happiness and artistry.

Happiness comes from wisdom as well as beauty, music and art. The Japanese Goddess Benzai-Len
is the goddess of all these inspiring gifts. She is believed to bring happiness and wealth.
Her realm lies beneath the beautiful waters of lake Biwa, where she is believed to be married
to a dragon king; the goddess was able to tame him through her love. Water is the universal
symbol for wealth, usually of the financial kind. To be able to share one's talents with the world
in exchange for personal wealth is the happiest of situations.

"Your talent can bring you wealth, look for opportunities."
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:56 pm



Gaia--Creation, The Earth, Connection

In ancient Greece as a mysterious goddess called Gaia. A cosmic, procreative womb who emerged out
of the primeval void called Chaos, it was believed Gaia existed before all other life. She was also
credited with creating life. Though Gaia was powerful unto herself, she did not choose a solitary existence. The goddess formed from her womb the sea, which she called Pontus, and the sky, which she called Uranus. She took Uranus as her husband. Sky lying upon earth created numerous children within the goddess great womb. The myth of Gaia reminds us of the interconnection of the world. And the importance of living in harmony with its resources, as well as our fellow humans.

"You create your life.
Envision what you desire it to be!"
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:40 pm




(Fertility, frogs and water)

The Egyptian goddess Heget was considered the benign embodiment of fertility itself. As such she was closely associated with the Nile River, whose waters helped to nurture crops planted along its fertile banks. Heqet is usually represented with head of a frog because the banks of the Nile are overrun with millions of these amphiphebians (?) after it floods. She was also honored as rhe goddess of childbirth; not surprisingly, her priestesses were also trained as midwives. Though fertility is usually associated with the physical manifestation of life, its more than that-it is life itself. Fertility surrounds us, offering us inspiration and energy. The goddess Heqet suggests the proliferation of this expansive force.

"Fertility surrounds you in numerous forms. Open your eyes."
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:54 pm



FRICKA-Goddess of Sovereignty

(Destiny, marriage and motherhood.)

Also known as Frigga, this ruling goddess was married to Odin, the most dominant God of the Norse
pantheon. Fricka's vast domain encompassed love, marriage, motherhood and destiny. She is known
for her talents of a spinner of golden threads, which some believe symbolized the creation of sunlight.
It also suggests Fricka's ability to spin the future; in ancient times, many thought that the art of
weaving imitated the creation of fate. In the PROSE EDDA, a collection of myths from thirteenth century
Iceland, Fricka was acknowledged as "foremost among the goddesses."

"You can be foremost among women, take aim to reach your goals."
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:04 pm


OYA-"Goddess of the winds"
Eloquence, strength and leaderhip.

The Yoruba people believe that the Night River is ruled by a powerful goddess named Oya.
Valued for her chaming but penetrating language, many consider the goddess a patrioness of
feminine leadership; her gift for eloquence helps women speak with confidence and strength.

Oya is a goddess to approach with great respect. In Nigeria, shrines to her are set into a corner of a home.
The altars are often molded of packed earth. Arranged around it are magical amulets and objects. A sword
represents Oya's power of incisive speech. Strings of red, orange or brown glass beads, buffalo horns,
and locus pods alsio symbolize the goddess. Finally, small dishes of her favorite foods, eggplant and akara
are offered to please Oya, goddess of the winds.

"When the time is right you will speak with authority"
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:18 pm



XOCHIQUETZAL-The flower goddess. "Happiness, the arts and love."

The Aztecs, A people who ruled over a vast empire in Mexico during the Middle Ages, believed in a flower goddess who they called Xochiquetzal. This goddess's sacred flower was the yellow marigold; her name meant "feathered flower" referring to the marigold's many feathery petals. One of the happiest of the Aztec deities, Xochiquetzal was also the goddess of dance, music, crafts and love. Appropriately her twin brother, Xochipilli was honored as the god of pleasure. Xochiquetzal lived on top of a mountain above the nine heavens. This flower laden garden was populated by merry dwarves, dancing maidens, and musicians. The Aztecs believed that anyone who was faithful to the goddess would spend eternity in her paradise when their life ended.

"Take time to appreciate all of life's joys." ;)
Madame Marigold
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:51 pm



INANNA--Queen Moon--The heavens, strength and resurrection.

Inanna, the great goddess of the Bronze Age, was honored as the Queen of Heaven. Some believed she was clothed the stars. Her names translates as "Queen Moon"; the story of her descent and return from the underworld explains her connection to that celestial body. Inanna's sister Ereshkigal, was the goddess of death. One day, Inanna descended to the land of the dead to visit her sister. But instead of showing her hospitality, Ereshkigal killed her sister and hung her corpse on a stake. While Inanna was trapped beneath the earth, the moon disappeared from the night sky; all things ceased to grow. After three days, the water of god obtained access to Inanna's corpse. He sprinkled it with water of life, resurrecting Inanna, and she returned to the upper world, bringing the moon and all of life back with her.

"if you descend into darkness, you can emerge unscathed."
Madame Marigold
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:50 pm

6/21/2018 (Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot) picture is a beautiful mermaid sunning on a rock with waves lapping around it....

TEMPERANCE--She contemplates the balance between heaven and earth, the land and the sea. Her composure belies the energy of her temperance, yet in her eye is the glint of unfulfilled desires.
Madame Marigold
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:58 pm



IDUNA--Immmortality, youth, beauty "Keeper of apples"

The goddess Iduna was renowned for her youthful beauty and was married to Bragi, the handsome god of
poetry. She was responsible for growing the "golden" apples of immortality in her enchanted western
garden named Appleland; in the stories of King Arthur, Appleland was called Avalon--the idyllic country
of immortal life. As keeper of the Golden Apples, the goddess was responsible for the well being of
the Norse pantheon.

The Norse people considered apples essential for the continuation of life. Associated with the resurrection,
containers of these sacred fruit were placed in graves, perhaps to nurture mortals as they journeyed from
one life to another. The Norse also believed that a soul could be passed from body to body, contained
within the flesh of a apple. This suggests the way we share information--by sharing the fruits of our labors.

"Grow a garden and share its fruits.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:31 pm



"ANUKET" The embracer
Water, prosperity, fertility.

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Anuket was acknowledged as the benevolent giver of life. She was primarily
associated with the nurturing waters of the Nile. Some considered her the actual incarnation of the Nile, with its two tributaries symbolizing her arms. Appropriately, Anuket's name as the Embracer", It also suggests the way the waters of the Nile embrace the fertile banks surrounding it.

Anuket was honored during the annual flooding of the Nile with an ecstatic festival of thanks. During it,
her devotees would throw offerings of gold and other precious objects into the river, which would be swept
away into the rapids. One can imagine how happy those who lived downstream would be to discover these riches on their shores.
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:28 pm

6/26/2018 (Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot)

6 0f Pentacles--I have been asked the same question for centuries, and now it is your turn. So, if I were to take this aged coin, toss it into the air and catch it, would you be able to give me the correct answer? You have a power to make a difference. (LWB)

Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (ATF)

A wealthy man holding scales hands out money to the poor. This is quite a contrast to the Five of Pentacles with a shut door between the poor on the outside and the rich on the inside. Also where the poor might have been too proud to take charity, or the rich unwilling to give to those who they deemed unworthy of their generosity.

Here, in the Six of Pentacles, the poor kneel and hold out hands for the money, not too proud to take it, and the merchant freely gives it, not judging them as he does so. Both gain in this exchange.

The question that must be asked when this card appears, however, is which is the querent? Do they have too much and need to restore balance to their lives by giving some of it away? Meaning, perhaps, that it's time to clear out the closet and give old clothes to a local charity, do volunteer work or make a donation? Even, perhaps, help out a friend in need?

Or is it time to accept that gift of money being offered by a generous relative, go to a free clinic, try for a scholarship or seek other types of assistance?

Balanced as this give and take is, it poses a quandary not seen in the other sixes. Which is how to freely give and take. The giver must give freely, not because they want to feel superior or good about themselves. Likewise, the querent must not let pride, resentment or shame get in the way of taking. We all need assistance now and then.

The message to the querent might well be to accept what you're offered now. It may be that in the future you'll have a chance to restore the balance by helping out another as you were helped.
(Both meanings talking about a coin.. so kinda sorta the same yes?)
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Re: Tarot card of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:20 pm

6/27/2018 (Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot)

3 of Cups--It is at moments such as this, when we three are together that we celebrate the path laid before us. (LWB)

(A eclectic Tarot forum now defunct version)

Three maidens with three overflowing cups celebrate. The creation here, springing from the investment of emotion, is "family" meaning either family members that you're reunited with, or a young friendship with people who are like family.

In the Rider-Waite deck autumnal fruit surrounds our three ladies, suggesting that they are celebrating the abundance of the harvest to sustain them through lean times. Or, perhaps, this relates to the great, Elysian mysteries, which celebrated the return of Persephone from the underworld and, with her, the return of abundant grain and fruit. Either way, they interlock arms as they lift their cups, toasting each other, united in joy and love.

This card can signify parties, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, birthdays or a holiday dinner. What it signals most strongly, however, is being with those who are emotionally in tune with you and you with them. If this card comes up regarding a question about a new relationship, it usually means that you're either discussing it with friends/family, or introducing this new person to friends/family. You're taking the next step in strengthening your emotional bond with the person. That is to say, you're feeling serious enough about them to let them meet those who are important to you-and let those who are important to you meet them.
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