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Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:44 pm
by Madame Marigold
May 14th 2016

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: 5 of Wands
LWB: "Competition" You learn by comparing yourself with those who are better.

APPEARANCE: Shows 1 samurai (female?) in center of a 4 others fighting with big batons....

(hair gives the impression they are all female)

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 5:47 pm
by Madame Marigold
May 16th 2016

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: Justice
LWB: "Equity" Doing the right thing is the most difficult thing.
APPEARANCE: Shows a samurai waling blindfolded thru a driving wind/snow(Or rain?) storm carrying what looks to be a type of scales of Justice? Looked to be a burden...?

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:31 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: Queen of Swords
LWB: A Thought develops. In thought, where you arrive is not where you started.
APPEARANCE: A beautiful female samurai in flowing silk dress/robes richly embroidered, kneels on the ground holding a broken sword. Is it hers? or her mates? Her face is hard determine what she is feeling.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:12 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga Deck
CARD: 5 of Chalices
LWB: LOSS. Look at yourself in the river. Let it divide what you have from what you don't have.
APPEARANCE: A young woman sets on the nearest side of the bank of a stream (river)? With 2 chalices by her side, but on the far side of the stream's bank sits the other 3... How will she get them? Will she swim? Will she be satisfied with what she has? What will the river tell her?

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2016 5:20 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga
CARD: 10 of Swords
LWB: FEARS. Courage is constructed a little at a time.
APPEARANCE: A woman cringing away from a mirror showing her stabbed thru by 10 swords

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:45 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Manga
CARD: 8 of Swords
LWB: "Dead end" The solution is found by not giving up.
APPEARANCE: A samurai at the top of a cliff edge with 8 swords stuck in the ground beside him...

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2016 6:36 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga
CARD: Judgment
LWB: The End. The end gives meaning to things.
APPEARANCE: A angel holding a huge sword in its right hand with giant wings spread heading of to smite???? maybe?

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:11 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: 6 of chalices
LWB: "Happy Memories"
APPEARANCE: A mother cat teaching her kitten to drink water out of a chalice,
in front of them is 4 chalices on the floor with flowers resting in them like they were vases,
then you can count the one the baby is drinking from but it takes your eye a minute to find the final chalice! It is etched on the cauldron that is hanging in the fireplace with a fire burning under it. The flowers inside the cups are: Rose, lotus, lily, and a purplish one? They also have the signs of the elements on their sides. The kittens cup has the 3 moon sign on it.
(Will def have to go remind myself of the elemental signs to put a name to the pics)

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:21 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: Queen of Wands
LWB: "Harmony with yourself"
APPEARANCE: A female samurai warrior riding a huge tiger...

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:37 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: Strength
LWB: Using calm, quiet, gentle control to change the course of a situation that could easily get out of hand by redirecting the powerful energies at play.
AAPEARANCE: A beautiful white cat wrapped in green/red leaf vines sitting in front of a piece of wood with pentacle carved in and a infinity symbol in gold floating above her head and a gazing ball on a tree stump behind her with her front paw holding down the head of a chow dog, very calm and cool show of force. (besides he does look smaller than her anyway) :D

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 4:34 pm
by Madame Marigold
Tarot card of the day for June 27th 2016

DECK: Pagan Cats
CARD: 3 of Swords
LWB: Learning of something sorrowful.
APPEANCE: A white cat struggling thru a horrific downpour looking very downtrodden.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:03 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Pagan Cats
CARD: 5 of Pentacles
LWB: Physical need
APPEARANCE: a homeless momma cat & kitten walking thru the snow with momma looking concerned at the tiny kitten trying to manage thru the snow.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:34 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga deck
CARD: 5 of Chalices
LWB: Loss. Look at yourself in the river. Let it divined what you have from what you don't have.
APPEARANCE: A young maiden kneeling in front of a stream with 2 chalices beside her and on other side of the bank is 3 more chalices turned upside down.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:48 pm
by Madame Marigold
July 2nd 2016

DECK: Pagan Cats
CARD: Ace of Wands
LWB: An opportunity to take a fresh, new, exciting action
APPEARANCE: A ginger cat sitting in a leafless tree as it has come thru winter with spring fresh leafs starting to leaf out.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:09 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Mahjong"
CARD: 4 of Bamboo
LWB: Longevity, peace....this card signifies peace, contentment, freedom from anxiety, recovery from ill health and long life.
APPEARANCE: Shows a monk? or??? a simply dressed male (green robe with golden trim) sitting on the bank on some rocks with his bare feet just out of the water source? (slight waves so lake? ocean?) with a gorgeously colored carp leaping up out of the water...very peaceful setting!

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:01 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Mahjong
CARD: 8 Wan
LWB: Tying and untying. Most enigmatic of the Mahjong cards of all the card the true meaning can only be determined by the nature of the question posed to it. If a single card draw shows the querant is faced with a quandary. If no question asked shows that there is a threat or a promise of becoming involved a situation that may require a big commitment. And the querant wont feel ready to face said situation.
APPEARANCE: A beautiful golden cord and tassel in a most intricate knot work

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:55 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: 3 0f Wands
LWM: "Wait." Something is on its way!

APPEARANCE: Shows a young geisha? sitting on the on the bank of a river holding a single flower in her hand staring across the stream..

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:05 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Manga Tarot
CARD: Ace of Swords
LWB: "Thought" May thought be your blade, penetrate deeply and stop only at the truth.
APPEARANCE: A beautiful SHARP sword and sheath on a bed of reeds? or bamboo? with puff balls looks almost like dandelion heads...

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:03 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: Pagan Cats
CARD: Knave of Chalices
LWB: Someone who is learning something about emotions, relationships or arts.
APPEARANCE: A white young white cat sitting in the grass beside a chalice with a fish sitting in it...
looking at each other!

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:17 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: The World
LWB: The successful achievement of a goal, doing what you set out to do. Feeling pride and enjoying rewards. Feeling that all is right with the world.

APPEARANCE: A cat in a library sitting on top of a round wheel? on the face of the wheel were the 4 elemental symbols separated by the 4 tarot suit symbols.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:16 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Manga Tarot
CARD: King of Wands
LWB: "Search for the right choice" Don't be centered only on yourself but have self confidence.
APPARANCE: A samurai sitting between 2 pillars holding a staff in one hand and a mirror (coin?) in the other.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:43 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: Knight of Wands
LWB: Someone who acts quickly with a strong will, inspiration or passion.
APPEARANCE: A cat riding in the back of a fox holding a baton as the fox jumps...

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:11 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: 8 of Wands
LWB: "Swift movement of events"
APPEARANCE: A black and white long haired cat, sitting in the a ring of stone or a fairy circle with the suites represented, gazing up at a full moon with 8 batons or wands either going op or coming wndon to the cat..

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:58 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: the Magician
LWB: Using the skills and resources you have, including your understanding of how the world works, to achieve your goals.
APPEARANCE: A beautiful cat sits atop a wooden altar, with the symbols of the 4 suites.

Re: Tarot card of the day

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:23 pm
by Madame Marigold

DECK: "Pagan Cats"
CARD: 4 of Swords
LWB: A needed respite from troubles.
APPEARANCE: A white cat asleep on a table, at the other end of the table top behind him is a picture of the 4 swords hanging on the wall, a goddess? figurine in the center, with a goblet on her left (if your looking AT them) a bell? on her right (with like a moon face above it?) and in front if the goblet on her left is another bowl like on a short pedestal? with something burning in it... shows like smoke curling up away from it...