2apple banishment spells

Recipes, spells etc

2apple banishment spells

Postby patrah » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:04 pm

I have 2 apple banishment spells....
The logistics are somewhat similar and each leaves the possibility for the other.....
One I have done before once....
It is the one if anyone remembers me thinking I had killed someone by using it....
You guys had to convince me I did not....
And the other is somewhat similar....
The one I tried involves cutting an apple so the seeds look like a star....
Rubbing a mint on one half and skewering the apple, and tying with black ribbon and burying....
When I did it I forgot to bury it and left it in a plastic grocery bag (forgot if white or black bag, but one of those)....
The other requires carving your problem or intent onto the apple, digging a hole (off property is best)....
Sprinkle salt into the hole and cover using hands to push over dirt....
Then sprinkle salt counter clockwise around top of burial apple....
So both spell's can be done kind of together, with the salt spell first then the other....
I'm really interested in combining them for one intent.....

My question is, since I'm working on house, car, court and move, if I choose one, how do I word it in my mind! Or carve it onto apple?....
Neither spell has particular words, and I do not want to kill judge, police, contractor or mechanic, just to rid me of the associated issues.....
Any thoughts?
Or anyone willing to work a spell with for or whatever in this light?
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

Re: 2apple banishment spells

Postby Ouroboros » Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:56 pm

Write a list of the things you want to bannish. List them in importance to you. Pick the most pressing problems to address. Then carve the word on the apple. Carve with your atheme.
Love and Laughter
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Re: 2apple banishment spells

Postby patrah » Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:56 am

Thanks ouroboros.....
That is the way I will do it.....
I have the apple....
And I must choose a place to bury it....
Away from me and where no one else will be of concern.....
Perhaps the cemetery.....
Yes the cemetery......
So perhaps I should keep the two spell's separate then......
Maybe do each spell for different problems....
Or do both spell's with two different apples for the same problem.....
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

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