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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:57 pm
by patrah
Suppose this goes here....
Last year, year before.....
Dollar tree had a nice weight of silver or gold color metal stars for X mass ornaments....
With small bells hanging from them.....
Double sided hollow is with cut out designs....
Best I can describe.....
I wanted them for each room.....
Thought them to be nice and witchy.....
And only one $.....
Never got them though and none to find this last season.....
Was at a dollar tree I seldom frequent about two weeks ago when all they had were a few things left from seasonal for 50% off....
One little silver star of that type laying there with no bell and some slightly oversized bells for 50% off too...
So I got them.....
So now am looking to string or wire or metal ring the bell to the star, and centrally locate since there is only one....
Without transportation I will have to hang here in the house I'm stuck in for now or save til I move.....
Also re; the luck....
I e had a bamboo plant will be 2 years Mother's Day....
Not growing but healthy, til I moved it twice....
The top segment near where the only leaves are is yellowing for an odd reason.....
Just moved to my slightly disheveled altar for luck preparation...
It will likely remain healthy....
I want to take the yellow segment off while keeping foliage in tact.....
Just saying...Should of said all that in new blog space....

Re: Star

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:03 pm
by Elia
If my Son were here he would tell you what to do with the plant, he is a plant genius, he has them all over, he's also a tree hugger, he started that when he was a little boy and would tell me he could feel the tree, I look back on that now and realize he is a natural Witch, he also sees spirits, so he has gifts. maybe if he calls ill ask about your plant.

Re: Star

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:21 pm
by patrah
Thanks...I'm thinking of taking that segment off...
I know that it will spread if not....
I'm not sure if I can take it off without disturbing the foliage right beneath it...
I am very sad, because this is the longest I have kept a lick you bamboo with so much success.....
And was putting that to mean I am having some luck...
Funny this should happen at the advent of the wonderful luck spell y'all are cooking up....
I have got to see this another way....
I have read that the segments can be put in soil sideways to grow, and have only tried it once... Nothing...
I was just going to move it to the other house, and have no transportation until a little later....
When I can bring the self to continue he against odds to move forward with transportation stuff...
And was concerned for the weather turning cold...
Could of very well put plastic over it to move....
And when the intuition speaks, it is essential to heed and move with the vibration....
A lesson I know, understand and continue to ignore...
My bad....
So, when your sone says what I will follow instruction...
I have a nephew who is a bit of a farmer himself, and my family is seeming very distant for me right now...
Which may be good for me....
Just wonder why it feels so bad....
I am working diligently with me to get the self in great working order....