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table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 6:00 pm
by Madame Marigold
I have found myself totally infatuated with several Goddess's and one god. I want to make a few items to honor them here are the 4:

1. "The Morrighan" I think she has been approaching me..

2. "Dian Cecht?" was a God of healing water (especially) and how he helped the "Morrighan" when her new born babies heart was poisoned with "Evil?
(3 evil serpents which he burned and then casted into a river which boiled)

3. "Conventina" goddess of Wells

4. "Atalanta"...The "Running Goddess" also been known under the "Virgin Hunter" (My G,G,G Grandmother had this name!) not a good reason I suppose but... it she still intrigues me!

So, What I was thinking of doing was making 2 tabletop "Wells" and using/making 3" dolls
(to look like them) and sit on my altar and floating candles in the water. The 2 articles I was going to use to make the wells were 1 BIG hurricane candle vase and the other a small, rounded fish tank...

I already have the little river pebbles and flat colored glass goodies to put at the bottom.. was just curious which of the Goddess's should I pair with Dianceht? He had interaction with the Morrighan but Coventina is a water protector like him.. so should I pair them? Or give each one their own?
The cats are going to love this) Oye Vie! What do you think>?

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 4:18 pm
by Ouroboros
You could do just one well and dedicate it to all water deities. It sounds like an interesting project.

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 4:57 pm
by Madame Marigold
I like that idea cause there are several goddess's and probably gods that have to do with either blessed sacred wells or rivers....going to need to make me a list! :mrgreen:
(my revolving screensaver based off my pics is loaded with water screens for some reason lately!)

I have my regular altar that I keep a big sized crocheted "Grandma Spider Woman" and a little knitted "Bast" (need to add a Hecate) and in the big bathroom I use to have a crocheted "Hopi Warrior" but he kinda freaks hubby out so he keeps moving him and setting him at the corner and putting towels and stuff over him... :roll: My problem is I like all pantheons but have been drawn lately to these guys. The goddess "Airemed"? (goddess of herbal medicines) I don't think I spelled that right? She was his daughter! (He is also the grandfather? of "Lugh") maybe make a family section :lol:

The lady who knitted the little Bast is having another giveaway and I put in for "Morrighan" fingers crossed..

I just really think especially with summer now here a wishing well would be cool. The god/goddess part of if didn't really even enter into it till I read up on Dian Cechte from one of the paganday posts just a few days ago! One of these days I'm going to have a place big enough and enough goddess/god dolls to fill every room with a different pantheon and dolls from every one of the pantheons...

I cant wait to get them set up and get pics taken and posted (fingers crossed by then I will have figured that stuff out) ... I'm excited about them but worried about the fur balls..
shakes head. :shock: :lol:

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:18 pm
by Ouroboros
There will be a reason that water is appealing to you at this time, Water is the symbol of the unconscious, the powers of the soul and of instincts. Something is coming to the surface.

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:13 pm
by Elia
Interesting, I like

Would you separate the Goddess well from the God well?? Like make two??

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 2:43 pm
by Madame Marigold
That was what I considering doing, but was having trouble about if I should par him with anyone or not. Maybe have one for the Goddess's, one for him, or having him and his family orrrr :lol:

If I had my way there would one everywhere! You should have seen my house at Christmas...had a tree totally decorated in every room! Drove hubby and kids nutz! :D :mrgreen:

Im just still trying to decide. I found a bag of several crocheted bodies of god/goddess dolls imitating the knitted one I had gotten but had forgotten I had done that I had done them!
(I thought I had made them too big 6 to 7"s) Only about 6 have heads done, still need the arms stuffed and then decorated. But there is 1 green one, then 2? light blue, 3 rose pink, and 1? maybe 2 a darker rose color that are stuffed waiting for arms....(several more not stuffed and no heads yet)

I think I will try finishing up at least 2 this weekend... maybe... smaller ones would fit tucked away better 4" pipe-cleaner ones?, but already got these partially done... ugghh guess have to flip coin? I am terrible at choosing! What do you think?

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:21 pm
by Madame Marigold
Well, I won the one little knitted goddess I'm not sure which one she is making me yet though! I'm suppose to get it before the 21st though so I can celebrate the sabbat with her....

I have finished "Dian Cehte? all but his hair and face and any accessories to be added.. he has a dark green body just under the 5" range of a Kelly doll add his head part he is hmm maybe 5 and a half almost 6"... Now I need to figure out his hair! Do I do it long? or short, yarn or embroidery floss.. should he have a beard? (ohhh!) he is a irish god so... was kind of thinking a reddish beard and hair with green eyes? all of the photos I can find online are "ehhhh" wavering hand back and forth.... :roll:

O do have enough bodies and heads done to do a goddess doll if I want to do it in light (baby) blue or breast cancer pink... :shock: I had forgotten when I went on that tear... but I just have a hard time picturing either Coventina or Airmed in either of those colors...hmmmm

I'm washing out my "Wells" today and getting the "stones" cleaned and ready to go back in so ONCE they will be ready.... what colors do you guys picture them in?

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:39 pm
by Ouroboros
The God sounds good Dark green with Red or ginger hair. I would use light blue for the goddess, long dark hair, maybe in dark blue, since she is representing water. You will have to try and get a photo up when you are finished.
If I was making God and Goddess representations I would probably make them in polymer Clay. Sort of abstract in style. I really just use candles . I'm really interested to see what you come up with.

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:35 pm
by Madame Marigold
Well poo...I'm still stuck on the god. I tried to do his eyes green a waldorf style? that I really don't like once they were done! I had (somewhere) little mini black eye thingies to put in dolls but have not had luck finding them yet so think I might have found some wooden small beads I "think" maybe can work. And the stupid hair! ugghhh as far as yarn goes all I have if OSU orange...way! Not ginger... plum ORANGE! shudders... the thought.. traumatic.

So stuck between chunky yarn that is a pale sandy color intermitten with patchs of a fine red and blue..very fading in and out style, real fine cashmere type feel OR I am really really considering
using 12?(or more) hanks of embroidery floss (separated) 4 diff colors to a hank consisting of light brown, pale orange (more of a ginger color! Weasley red) maybe a tiny bit darker brown and possibly a grey or white.. or extra ginger? hmmm I did find a light green bit of fabric to make like a cloak? also going to crochet him either black or dark brown kilt like ??? to go around his waist with the flap thingies hanging down I don't know the name of these! You see then on the old armory style dress code from ancient celtic pics. And the ???piece that goes from one hip up and over a shoulder down to connect again at the hip... ugghhhh I can see it and have seen these things in pictures but have no idea of the names~~ pouts..... :roll: This god doll is being picky! fingers crossed will at least get more headway today! :shock: :mrgreen: I really rally want show pics! SOON knocking on wood SOON~

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:18 pm
by Ouroboros
Flap thingies! Oh my!

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:25 pm
by Madame Marigold
ohh, pouts (don't tempt me!) snickers ;) you know those ...metal or sometimes super thick leather flaps to protect the thigh from javelins or arrows/swords as well... I can see them in my minds eye but cannot remember the wording or time frame of the armor I'm thinking of! I think part of it I'm also mixing up nationalities as well.....
welsh, irish, Scottish, English, roman etc etc.......throwing mental arms up in the air; shakes head soon we shall see.... snickers

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:33 pm
by Ouroboros
The skirt of leather or fabric strips to protect the upper legs is called the Pteruges. Go figure. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:01 pm
by Madame Marigold
see they remind me of the ambulates (sp?) on the shoulders of shirts or uniforms just going the different directions! snickers I will def look up pteruges to check them out to make sure I got a better idea of what I'm trying to make.... (and what or where they began!) ;)

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:05 pm
by Madame Marigold
Well I have not accomplished a single doggone thing. Not one itty bitty thing since finding that boy. Nada I just have no ommphhh in me to get anything at all done! I even got my doll in she made me Hecate... and I'm just cant see to get any ?????? to accomplish anything! and I don't know why... (could I be depressed?)
I don't think I am I know I have had another death in the family but I didn't know this nephew much at all only seen him 2 times in his whole life all 30yrs of it! So that cant be it. I did find the cord to use to pull things off the phone to the puter now I just got to figure out how to do it.... shakes head.. LOL

anyway I really PLAN on trying to get going on Dian Chechte again... I found a fine mesh to use for skull cap to sew to his head to attach whatever I decide to use for his hair (yarn or embroidery floss)but once again I'm down to eenie, meeennnee, mynnee, mooo to pick... OR..hmmm wonder if I could use the card to help the doll decide? Have any of you guys hit a black hole stasis like this? Any ideas on how to get a going again? sighs goes back to shuffling cards.... :cry: :roll: :D

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:22 pm
by Ouroboros
Oh! Believe me, it happens to everyone. You just have to keep going. Sometimes, I have problems getting inspired to create things but I usually like to switch things up when I start to lose inspiration. I paint , I sculpt with sculpty clay, I refurbish old furniture, take photos, I write in my BOS, I made my feather fan and I make jewellery. The more you do the more inspired you will become. Sometimes you have to force the issue, and make yourself do things. Even if they turn out horrible. Sometimes I look on pinterest, sometimes I give up and just read a book or go for a walk. I know that is difficult for you to do but nature always inspires me. Remember, it will pass!

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:57 pm
by Madame Marigold
Well I did a card yes/no reading on what type of material Diane Chehte wanted for his hair and embroidery floss it is! I also started a Morrighan doll in red and when she is finally finished I will embroider a crow or maybe just silhouettes? or wings..hmmm I got the 2 goddess dolls and my redo on the box for the antique mahjong game I got off of ebay (1923, perfect tiles no wear!) they are a type of material that looks like wood but is not wood? But is isn't used now a days.. but anyway, the only part that was bad was the lid.. (Super heavy cardboard box!) so used dark blue plastic canvas and made it to fit the top and then printed off the picture that was on the original box? and cut it out and taped it to the top till I could embroider it on proper then going to add some small charms (dragon and few others) It just feels... shakes head hard to explain.. I had gotten pics of all of this but my phone went splat nothing I do will even get it to turn on so tried hubbys but it wont upload to my computer or my email! soo..... eventually I will figure out how to get a dang blasted digi camera!
(been trying for years!) ughhhh LOL So eventually I am gonna have so much STUFF to show you guys! LOL

Re: table top wells and who they go to?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:52 pm
by Ouroboros
I have the same problem with posting photos, I took a photography course, now I need a computer course.