Goddess and God of the day

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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:27 pm

Saturday, Feb 27th 2016

Goddes of the ocean.

Yemaja is a Goddess of the ocean, the essence of motherhood,
and a protector of children. She was wife of Aganju, God of Volcanoes.

Pantheon: African
Colours: White
Consort: Agapnju
Symbols: Star
God of Law.

Tyr is a God of Law and heroic glory in war. He was the son of Odin.
The English day Tuesday is named after him and he was equated with the God Mars.
His right hand was bitten off by the wolf Fenrir when the other gods bound the wolf.
Pantheon: Norse
Animals: Wolf
Planet: Mars
Rune: Tiwas
Symbols: Sceptre
Time: Tuesday
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:29 pm

Sunday, Feb 28th 2016

Fish Goddess.

Hatmehit ("Foremost of Fish") is a Fish Goddess of the delta city of Per-banebdjedet.
She was depicted either as a fish, or a woman with a fish emblem or crown on her head.
She was a goddess of life and protection.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Fish
Element: Water
Crocodile God of the Nile.

Sobek is a crocodile God of the Nile and patron of the military.
Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and as a protective deity
invoked for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile river.
He was depicted as a crocodile or as a human with a crocodile head.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: River Nile
Animals: Crocodile
Colours: Green
Element: Water
Symbols: Crocodile
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:39 pm

Monday Feb 29th 2016
Creator Goddess.

Mawu (Mahu) is a Creator Goddess, associated with the sun and moon.
After creating the earth and all life and everything else on it,
she asked the primeval serpent, Aido Hwedo, to curl up beneath the earth
and thrust it up in the sky.
Pantheon: African
Consort: Lisa
Element: Earth
God of hunting.

Tekkeitsertock is a God of hunting and the master of caribou.
Tekkeitsertok is also the protector of any creatures that enter
any parts of the northern sky.

Pantheon: Ameri-Indian
Animals: Caribou
Direction: North
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:21 pm

Monday, March 1st 2016

Norse Goddess

Nanna is a Norse Goddess who is the wife of Baldr and mother to Forseti, the god of justice and reconciliation. She is said to have died of grief when Baldr was killed.
Pantheon: Norse
Consort: Baldr, Hodr
God of Healing

Vejovis is a God of Healing. He is depicted as a young man, holding a bunch of arrows, pilum, (or lightning bolts) in his hand, and is accompanied by a goat. He had temples on the Capitoline Hill and on the Tiber Island.
Pantheon: Roman
Animals: Goat
Symbols: Arrows
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:45 pm

Wednesday, March 2nd 2016

Warrior Goddess

Itzpapalotl ("Obsidian Butterfly") is a Warrior Goddess who ruled over the paradise world of Tamoanchan.

She is the mother of Mixcoatl, the God of the hunt. She is at times depicted with bats wings, as a beautiful, seductive woman or terrible goddess with a skeletal head and butterfly wings.
Pantheon: Aztec
Animals: Birds, Deer, Butterfly, Bat
Colours: Black
Crystal: Obsidian
Direction: West
Element: Fire
God of metalworkers and craftsmen.

Regin is a God of metalworkers and craftsmen, he can work iron as well as silver and gold.
He was the son of Hreiðmarr and foster father of Sigurd.
Pantheon: Norse
Element: Fire
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:39 pm

Thursday, march 3rd 2016

Goddess of Droughts.

Hanba (Nuba, Ba) is a Goddess of Droughts. She is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor
whom she aided during his Battle at Zhuolu against Chi You.
Pantheon: Chinese
Colours: Green
Element: Air
God of crops.

Peko (Pekko, Pekka, Pellon Pekko) is a God of crops, especially barley and brewing.
He is the protector of the fields and brewer of the beer.
Pantheon: Sami
Colours: Black
Offerings: Beer
Plant/Tree: Barley
Time: Dawn, Harvest
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:18 pm

March 4th 2016

Virgin Goddess of war and strife.

Anat is a virgin Goddess of war and strife. She was worshipped in her aspect
of a war goddess during the Hyksos period in Egypt.
Pantheon: Canaanite
Consort: Ba'al, Hadad
Planet: Mars
Symbols: Atef Crown

God of healing.

Nodens is a God of healing, the sea, hunting and dogs. He was worshipped
in ancient Britain at Lydney Park in Gloucestershire and was equated with the
Roman gods Mars, Mercury, Neptune and Silvanus.
Pantheon: Celtic
Animals: Dogs
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:33 pm


Baalat Gebal
Goddess of the city of Byblos.

Ba‘alat Gebal ("Lady of Byblos") is the goddess of the city of Byblos,
she was known to the Greeks as Baaltis or Atargatis. She was depicted with two,
tall, upright feathers in her headdress.

Pantheon: Phoenician
Abode: Byblos
Symbols: Two Feathers
Supreme God.

Ngai is the Supreme God who created mankind from a single tree.
He is the god of the sun, love and was the creator of the world.
Pantheon: African
Abode: Kirinyaga
Consort: Olapa
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Elia » Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:51 pm

Just popping in to let you know I appreciate you doing all these everyday, they are helpful at times.
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:30 pm


Lajja Gauri
Goddess of Abundance and Fertility.

Lajja Gauri is a Goddess of Abundance and Fertility.
Her fertility aspect is emphasized by symbolic representation of the genitals.
She is invoked for abundant crops and good progeny.


Pantheon: Hindu
Symbols: Yoni


God of thunder and lightning.

Vahagn is a God of thunder and lightning, sun-god, god of courage.
He is also a God of fire and war. He formed a triad with Aramazd and Anahit,
and was identified with Heracles.

Pantheon: Armenian
Animals: Dragon
Musical Instrument: Lyre
No problems I love doing them! You aught to see me when it comes to genealogy! :mrgreen:
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:58 pm

March 7th 2016

Goddess of duty.

Pietas is a Goddess of duty, loyalty and piety.
She was often pictured on Roma coins, as a woman conducting
a sacrifice by means of fire at an altar.

Pantheon: Roman
Element: Fire

Njoku Ji
God of the Yam.

Njoku Ji is a God and guardian of the Yam. He is still honoured in annual rituals.

Pantheon: African
Plant/Tree: Yam
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:24 pm

March 8th 2016


Creator Goddess.

Nuwa (Nu-wa) is a Creator Goddess who created mankind and repaired the wall of heaven.
She is both the sister and the wife of Fu Xi.


Pantheon: Chinese
Abode: Mount K'un-lun
Consort: Fu Xi
Element: Earth
Offerings: Fire


God of Healing and Spring Waters.

Borvo is a God of Healing and Spring Waters.
He was particularly worshipped at Bourbonne-les-Bains.
He was often equated with Apollo.


Pantheon: Celtic
Abode: Springs, Rivers
Consort: Damona, Bormana
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:47 pm

March 9th 2016

Goddess of the Mountains.

Uma (Lady of the Mountains) is a Goddess of the Mountains.
Goddess Uma is glorified in Indian literature and sculptures as being beautiful,
as a mediator in the conflicts of heaven, as a daughter of Himavat,
the God of the Great Himalayan Mountains and the heavenly nymph Mena,
also as a sister of the sacred river Ganga (the Ganges).


Pantheon: Hindu
Abode: Mount Kailash
Animals: Snake, Lion, Tiger
Consort: Shiva
Element: Earth
Plant/Tree: Lotus flower
Symbols: Trident, Sword, Mace, Conch shell, Discus, Bow and arrow, Shield


God of the hearth and wealth.

Ekkeko was a god of the hearth and wealth.
The ancients made dolls that represented him and placed a
miniature version of their desires onto the doll;
this was believed to cause the user to receive what he desired.


Pantheon: Inca
Element: Fire
Offerings: Dolls
Planet: Moon
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:51 pm

March 10th 2016

Goddess of death and corruption.

Nirrti is a Goddess of death and corruption.
She is also one of the Guardians of the directions, representing the southwest.
She is described as dark, dressed in dark clothes and her sacrificial shares are dark husks.


Pantheon: Hindu
Direction: Southwest


Minor forest god.

Miming is a Minor forest god. In the myth of the death of Balder,
Miming's sword is the weapon that Hodur uses to slay Balder.
The sword was said to have been forged by Weyland, the god of smithing,
for his son Heime.
Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Forests
Symbols: Sword
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:45 pm

March 11th 2016


Goddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds.

Tlazolteotl is a Goddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds.
She is also a goddess of purification, steam bath, midwives, filth,
and a patroness of adulterers. Her festival, Ochpaniztli,
was held September 2–21 to recognize the harvest season.
The ceremonies included ritual cleaning, sweeping, and repairing;
as well as the casting of corn seed, dances, and military ceremonies.


Pantheon: Aztec
Planet: Venus
Time: Harvest

God of wealth.

Daikokuten is a God of wealth, the harvest, the household, the kitchen.
He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. He is often portrayed holding a golden mallet.


Pantheon: Japanese
Colours: Gold
Symbols: Coins, Black Cap
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:19 pm

Cobra-goddess of tomb builders and protector of royal tombs.

Meretseger ("she who loves silence") is a Cobra-goddess of tomb builders and protector of royal tombs.
She was connected with al-Qurn, the pyramid-shaped peak in the Valley of the Kings.
She was the patron deity of the workers in Deir el-Medina who built the tombs.
She punished workers who committed crimes, but healed those who repented. As a cobra,
she spat poison at anyone who tried to vandalise or rob the royal tombs.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Mountain
Animals: Cobra
Symbols: Cobra


God of the hunt and good fortune.

Rundas is the God of the hunt and of good fortune. In carvings he is represented by a glyph
of a double-headed eagle with a hare in each talon.


Pantheon: Hittite
Animals: Eagle, Hare
Symbols: Double-headed eagle
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:44 pm


Goddess of pleasure.

Voluptas is a Goddess of pleasure, and a daughter of Cupid and Psyche.
She is often found in the company of the Charites, or Three Graces,
and she is known as the goddess of sensual pleasures.
Pantheon: Roman
Planet: Venus
Zhao Gongming
God of prosperity.

Zhao Gongming (Cai Shen)("God of Wealth") is the God of prosperity.
He was initially a folk hero, who was later deified and venerated by local followers and admirers.
He is often invoked during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
He is often depicted riding a black tiger and holding a golden rod.


Pantheon: Chinese
Animals: Tiger
Colours: Black
Crystal: Gold
Symbols: Golden Rod
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:37 pm


Goddess of Education.

Gayatri is a Goddess of Education, she is depicted as seated on a red lotus,
signifying wealth. She can appear with 5 heads and ten arms holding the weapons of Shiva,
or accompanied by a white swan, holding a book to portray knowledge in one hand and a cure in the other.

Pantheon: Hindu
Animals: Swan
Colours: Red
Plant/Tree: Lotus
Symbols: Swan, Red Lotus

Sol Invictus
Sun God.

Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") is the Sun God and a patron of soliders.
It's thought that the date of 25 December for Christmas was chosen to correspond with the
Roman festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sun
Offerings: Lights, Candles
Planet: Sun
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:10 pm

Virgin Goddess of the Hunt

Britomartis ("sweet maiden", "sweet virgin") was the Minoan goddess of mountains and hunting and nets.
She is also known as Diktynna ("Lady of the Nets") in Crete and as Aphaea ("without light") in Aegina.
According to myths, whilst being persued by Minos, who had attempted to seduce, she threw herself
in the sea to escape and was caught in the fishing nets.


Pantheon: Minoan
Abode: Mountains, Sea
Animals: Dogs, Snakes
Element: Water
Symbols: Nets, Axes, Dogs

God of the Sea and River.

Enki ("Lord of the Earth") (Akkadian Ea) was a Sumerian god of the sub-terranean fresh water ocean (abuzu)
and associated with wisdom, magic, incantations and the arts and crafts of civilisation.
He was seen as a provider of fresh water, a creator god and the determiner of fates and destinies.
He helps mankind escape the flood sent by the other gods to destroy them. His sacred number was 40.
He was often depicted with two streams of water emanating from his shoulders, representing the Tigris and Euphrates.


Pantheon: Sumerian
Animals: Fish
Consort: Damgalnuna
Element: Water
Offerings: Fish, Water
Planet: Mercury
Symbols: Capricorn, Goat-Fish, Water, Horned Crown
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Mar 19, 2016 2:05 pm


Goddess of the air, and the South Wind

Ninlil ("lady of the open field" or "Lady of the Air") is the wife on Enlil, she is often called "mother" or
"merciful mother" and may be a form of Mother Goddess. As a benevolent and merciful goddess she intercedes with Enlil on behalf of mortals. She is the mother of the moon god, Sin and daughter of Haia, god of the store and Ninshebargunu, the goddess of agriculture.


Pantheon: Sumerian
Consort: Enlil
Crystal: Carnelian
Element: Air
Offerings: Barley, Grain


Blind god of darkness and winter.

Hodr (Hod, Hoder, or Hodur) was the blind Norse God who was tricked by Loki into killing his brother Baldor with an arrow made from Mistletoe. He is the son of Odin and Frigg and was killed in an act of revenge by his brother Vali.


Pantheon: Norse
Plant/Tree: Mistletoe
Symbols: Bow
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:26 pm

3-22nd 2016

Moon Goddess of love, beauty, fertility and childbirth

Mullissu is the wife of the Assyrian god Ashur.
In royal inscriptions the king is presented as the son of the goddess Mullissu.
She was also seen as an aspect of Istar, the goddess of love.


Pantheon: Babylonian
Animals: Cow
Consort: Ashur
Plant/Tree: Date Palm
Symbols: Sun Disks, Cow

God of the hunt, the god of adult men.

Lieaibolmmai or Leibolmai was the deity for hunting in Sami shamanism.
He was the ruler of the wild animals in the forests, and the hunters made sacrifices in his honour
to obtain good hunting. He lives in Alder trees and appears to humans in the form of a bear.
During the bear festival, hunters sprinkled their faces with a mixture of alder bark and water to honor him.


Pantheon: Sami
Abode: Forests
Animals: Bear
Colours: Brown, Red
Plant/Tree: Alder
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:38 pm


Goddess who presided over the system of sewers in Rome

Cloacina was the goddess who presided over the Cloaca Maxima and was originally came from Etruscan mythology.
She was worshipped as an aspect of Venus at the Shrine of Venus Cloacina.
She was also worshipped as the goddess of purity and the goddess of filth.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Rivers, Sewers
Element: Water
Offerings: Incense
Plant/Tree: Myrtle
Symbols: Incense Burner


God of hospitality, fertility, and crops

Radegast, (“Dear guest”) was the god of hospitality.
Mt. Radhost is traditionally associated with the worship of Radegast.
He is also the god of war, night, fire and the evening sky.


Pantheon: Slavic
Abode: Mountain
Colours: Black
Element: Earth
Symbols: Mountains, Cornucopia
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:20 pm


Ancient war goddess and valor.

Nerio was an ancient war goddess and the personification of valor.
She was identified with Bellona and sometimes Minerva.
In old myths and practices Nerio is said to be the wife of Mars.

Pantheon: Roman
Colours: Red
Consort: Mars
Planet: Mars

Spirit of Accidents and Disease

Abonsam is a malevolant spirit said to cause accidents and disease.
A ritual to drive the spirit into the sea begins with four weeks of silence,
followed by removing all the furniture and beating the interiors with sticks
and loud noises to drive him out.

Pantheon: African
Abode: Forests, Houses
Time: October
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:04 pm


Widget Box

Goddess of childbirth and fertility

She a Frog Goddess, which are symbols of life and fertility.
Heqet was usually depicted as a frog, or a woman with a frog's head.
She is associated with the flooding of the Nile, the germination of corn and childbirth.
Midwives were often called the Servants of Heqet and women in childbirth often wore amulets depicting Heqet.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Frogs
Consort: Khnum
Element: Water
Offerings: Corn
Plant/Tree: Lotus
Symbols: Frog, Lotus

God or spirit of mountains.

Apu was a god or spirit of mountains and the important mountains all had their own Apu,
and some of them receive sacrifices to bring out certain aspects of their being.
These spirits live in both the middle and upper worlds, and can intercede for humanity.
The apu also served as protectors, watching over their surrounding lands and protecting the people,
livestock and crops.

Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Mountains, Rocks
Element: Air
Offerings: Corn Beer (Chicha), Coca Leaves
Plant/Tree: Coca
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:23 pm


Goddess of the Day

Hemera was the personification of day and one of the Greek primordial deities.
She is the goddess of the daytime. Each morning, Hemera dispelled the night,
bringing the shining light of heaven to the earth.

Pantheon: Greek
Colours: White
Consort: Aether
Element: Air
Symbols: Light
Time: Daytime

Protective and Saviour deity

Shed was a protective and Savior god who became popular during the New Kingdom.
He is usually depicted as a child or a youth wearing a sidelock, fighting against dangerous animals.
He was invoked as protector against snake bites and scorpion stings.
He was popular with ordinary Egyptians being called upon to save them from illness, misfortune or danger.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Desert, Rivers
Animals: Scorpion, Serpents, Lion
Symbols: Chariot, Sidelock, Snakes
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