Goddess and God of the day

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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:50 pm

March 28th 2016

Goddess of the Underworld

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.
She is queen of the underworld and a goddess of vegetation,
she was worshipped alongside her mother Demeter in the Eleusinian Mysteries.
The myth of her abduction by Hades represents her function as the personification
of vegetation which shoots forth in spring and withdraws into the earth after harvest.

Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Underworld, Fields
Consort: Hades
Element: Earth
Offerings: Seeds, Grain, Flowers, Pomegranate
Plant/Tree: Mint
Symbols: Pomegranate
Time: Spring

Chthonic god protecting grain storage.

Consus was the protector of grains and storage bins, which were stored in underground vaults.
He was represented by a grain seed. The was an altar to Consus located near the Cricus Maximus.
His festivals were the Consualia, on August 21 and December 15.

Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Undergound
Animals: Horses, Mules
Element: Earth
Offerings: Garlands, Flowers, Corn Seed
Planet: Mars
Symbols: Corn Seed
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:38 pm


The Goddess Of Beauty

Associated with the morning, Zaria was known to her worshippers as "the heavenly bride."
She was greeted at dawn as "the brightest maiden, pure, sublime, honorable."

Pantheon: Slavic
Animals: Horses
Planet: Venus
Plant/Tree: World Tree
Time: Morning, Dawn

God of the Sun

Meaning "King of the Sun". He rides his silver-haired horse
from East to West every day, seeing everything below him.

Pantheon: Hungarian
Abode: Sky
Animals: Horse
Direction: East to West
Planet: Sun
Time: Daylight
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:22 pm

2 days in a row... sorry for the delay! :oops:


Goddess of Healing Springs

Goddess worshipped by the Treveri in the Moselle Valley. A healing deity,
she was associated with healing springs; her attributes were snakes and eggs.
Many of her temples and shrines were constructed around thermal springs or wells.
Pantheon: Celtic
Abode: Thermal springs or wells
Animals: Dog, Snakes
Colours: Blue
Consort: Grannus
Direction: West
Element: Water
Offerings: Fruit, Corn, Eggs
Symbols: Snakes, Eggs, Patera, Sceptre
Tarot Card: Cups
Earth God and a God of the underworld

His name means "Lower One", he was both hostile and protective.
He acted as a guadian of the Royal Tomb, whilst also threatening the pharaoh
on his journey to the afterlife. His main cult centre was at Letopolis.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Underworld
Animals: Ram
Direction: West
Element: Earth
Symbols: Ba (Soul)
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:47 pm


Mother Goddess, Goddess of Healing Springs


Sulis was a deity worshiped at the thermal spring of Bath. She was considered as a nourishing,
life-giving mother goddess and as an effective agent of curses wished by her votaries.
Curse tablets found at Bath appeal to Sulis to punish the perpetrators of the crime.

Pantheon: Celtic
Abode: Thermal Springs
Animals: Eagle, lion, phoenix
Colours: Gold, yellow
Element: Water
Incense: Cinnamon, cloves, frankincense, laurel
Plant/Tree: Acacia, ash, bay laurel, birch

God of Sailors and Merchants

Manannán mac Lir is a sea deity in Irish mythology. Manannán has strong ties to the Isle of Man.
At Midsummer, offerings of bundles of reeds, meadow grasses and yellow flowers are made to Manannán.
He is also associated with the Otherworld, the weather and the mists between the worlds.


Pantheon: Celtic
Abode: Sea
Consort: Fand
Element: Water
Musical Instrument: Harp
Offerings: Reeds, Meadow Grass, Yellow Flowers
Plant/Tree: Apple Tree
Symbols: Cauldron of regeneration, The Triskele
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:11 pm

Freyja is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, gold, sei�war, and death.
She riders a chariot pulled by two cats. Freyja rules over her heavenly afterlife field
F�angr and there receives half of those that die in battle.
She is invoked in matters of fertility and love.

Pantheon: Norse
Animals: Cats, boars, falcons, horses, sows, hares
Colours: Black, green, red, gold
Consort: Odr
Crystal: Carnelian, Green tourmaline, Amber, Rose quartz, Copper Gold
Day: Friday
Offerings: Strawberries
Planet: Ursa minor, Freyas girdle, Venus
Plant/Tree: Elder, Birch, Cowslip, Daisy, Primrose, Rose
Rune: Fehu, Kenaz
Symbols: Distaff
Tarot Card: Magician, Lovers, High Priestess, 9 of Pentacles

Ram God Ruler of Riverbanks


Heryshaf, meaning "He who is on his lake", was an ancient ram-god whose cult
was centered in Herakleopolis Magna. He was a creator and fertility god
who was born from the primeval waters. He was identifed with Ra and Osiris.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Rivers, Lakes
Symbols: Atef Crown, Sun Disk
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:32 pm


Goddess of Fertility

Her name means "the bright one". She was known as a goddess who oversaw spinning and weaving;
she was sometimes the leader of the Wild Hunt.

Pantheon: Teutonic
Abode: Forests
Animals: Barn owls, dogs, birds of prey, wolves, goats
Crystal: Red jasper, petrified wood, moonstone
Incense: Cederwood, Lavender
Offerings: Hazel nuts, honey, mead, red meat
Symbols: Spinning, Weaving, spindle


God of justice who settles court disputes in his gilded hall.

Forseti ("the presiding one") is an �r god of justice and reconciliation.
His home is Glitnir and it had a silver ceiling and golden pillars.
It is said that all those who come before him leave reconciled.


Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Glitnir
Colours: Silver, Gold
Rune: Sowilo, Tiwaz
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:43 pm


Goddess of the sky and heavens

She was seen as a star-covered nude woman arching over the earth, or as a cow.
She was originally the goddess of the nighttime sky. Nut is a goddess in the Ennead
and appears in the creation myth of Heliopolis.
She was often painted on the inside lid of the sarcophagus to protect the deceased.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Sow, Piglets
Colours: Blue
Consort: Geb
Plant/Tree: Sycamore Tree
Symbols: Sky, Star, Ladder


Messenger God and God of Commerce

Mercury, one of the 12 gods of the Dii Consentes. He was the patron god of financial gain,
commerce, eloquence, messages/communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries,
luck, trickery and thieves; he was also the guide of souls to the underworld.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Crossroads, Market place
Animals: Cockerel, Ram, Tortoise
Colours: Red, White, Green
Crystal: Mercury, Zinc
Day: Wednesday
Direction: East
Element: Air
Musical Instrument: Lyre
Planet: Mercury
Plant/Tree: Dogs Mercury, Anise, Dill, Fennel
Symbols: Caduceus, Money bag, Windged cap, Sandals
Tarot Card: The magician
Time: May 15, the Mercuralia, June
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:08 pm


Goodess of Well-being, Health and Prosperity

Salus was the personification of security and well-being of both the individual and the state.
Her temple on the Quirinal at Rome, dedicated in 302 bc, was the scene of an annual sacrifice
on August 5. Salus is associated with the Greek goddess Hygeia.

Pantheon: Roman
Offerings: Grain
Symbols: Patera, Snake
Time: August 5th

God of the sea, wind and fire.

Njord is a god among the Vanir and father of the deities Freyr and Freyja and is associated with sea,
seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and crop fertility. He bestows good fortune to those on the sea.

Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Sea
Consort: Skadi
Rune: Laguz
Symbols: Chariot
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:55 pm


Goddess of Funerals

Libitina was associated with Venus. The grove of Libitina was located on the Esquiline Hill
celebrated its founding anniversary on August 19, the day of the Vinalia Rustica.
A guild of funeral directors� was based in the grove of Libitina.

Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sacred Grove
Animals: Birds of Prey
Colours: Green, brown, yellow, black
Crystal: Garnet, Smokey quartz, obsidian, onyx
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Offerings: Coins
Planet: Saturn, Pluto, Venus
Plant/Tree: Mugwort, patchouli, horehound, sage, henbane
Tarot Card: Pentacles
Time: August 19th

God of Sun and Light

The name of the Persian god Mithra, adapted into Greek as Mithras, and the Mithraic Mysteries
were a mystery religion practiced in the Roman Empire.
In every Mithraeum the centerpiece was a representation of Mithras killing a sacred bull;
the so-called tauroctony. Mithras was said to be born from a rock and is often depicted
emerging with a dagger in one hand and a torch in the other

Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Caverns, Underground Temples
Animals: Bull, Lion
Colours: Yellow, White
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Offerings: Candles, Honey
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Phrygian Cap, Rock
Time: Midsummer
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:37 pm


Goddess of the Heavens, Air, Sea, and the Moon.

Don as a Welsh mother goddess, the counterpart of the Irish Danu.
She is the mother of Arianrhod, Gwydion, Gilfaethwy, Gofannon, Eufydd, Elestron and Amaethon.
Llys D�"The Court of Don is the traditional Welsh name for the constellation Cassiopeia.

Pantheon: Welsh
Animals: Snakes, Fish, Mares, Seagull, Goats
Colours: Green, Silver, Blue, Black
Consort: Beli
Crystal: Onyx, Jet, Amber, Hag stones, Lead, Gold
Direction: North, East, West
Element: Earth, Air, Water
Incense: Holly, Juniper, Yew, Myrrh, Cypress
Planet: Cassiopeia
Plant/Tree: Comfrey, Elm, Ivy, Juniper, Apple trees
Symbols: Cauldron
Tarot Card: The Empress
Time: Yule, Imbolc

God of Music

Apollo (Apollon, Apellon, Phoebus Apollo, Aplu) was a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy,
healing, plague, music, and poetry. As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo),
Apollo was an oracular god, the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo.

Pantheon: Greek
Animals: Raven, Snakes
Colours: Yellow, Orange, Gold
Consort: Daphne
Day: Sunday
Direction: South
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh
Musical Instrument: Lyre
Planet: The Sun
Plant/Tree: Bay Laurel, Palm Tree, Apple Tree, Poplar Tree, Mistletoe
Symbols: Laurel Wreath, Bow and arrows, sacrificial tripod, 7
Tarot Card: The Sun
Time: Yule, Midsummer, May
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:03 pm


Goddess of fountains, wells, and springs.

She was a sister of Turnus and the mother of Fontus by Janus.
She was turned into a water nymph by Juipter, with whom she was having a secret affair.
She has sacred wells at Lavinium, Latium, and another near the temple to Vesta in the Forum Romanum.
The festival of Juturnalia was celebrated on January 11. She was originally the spirit of the river Numicus.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Fountains, Wells, Springs
Consort: Janus
Element: Water
Offerings: Milk, Oil
Symbols: Fire, Water, Fountains


God of Wine

The Roman god of wine and intoxication, equated with the Greek Dionysus.
His festival was celebrated on March 16 and 17.
The Bacchanalia, a wild and mystic festival to Bacchus that were notorious for their sexual character,
were introduced in Rome around 200BC.


Pantheon: Roman
Animals: Bull, Serpent
Consort: Ariadne
Element: Earth
Offerings: Honey, Wine, Figs
Plant/Tree: Fennel, Pine, Ivy
Symbols: Thyrsus, grapevine, leopard skin, panther, tiger, leopard
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:41 pm


Mother goddess

Mut was the mother goddess and queen of the gods at Thebes.
She was considered a primal deity, associated with the waters from which everything was born.
Her main cult center was the temple in Karnak,
which had a statue that was regarded as an embodiment of her real ka.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Vulture, Cobra, Cat
Colours: Red, Blue
Consort: Amun
Element: Water
Symbols: Vulture, Ankh, Double Crown

God of fortune and industry

Ikenga ("place of strength") is a horned Alusi (deity) of the Igbo people in southeastern Nigeria.
Ikenga is a personal god of human endeavor, achievement, success, and victory.
Ikenga is grounded in the belief that the power for a man to accomplish things is in his right hand.
He is the Alusi of Time, Success and Achievement.

Pantheon: African
Colours: Red
Offerings: Yam, cock, wine, kolanuts, alligator pepper
Planet: Mars
Plant/Tree: Iroko tree
Symbols: 3, Sword, Tusk, Rams Horns
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:02 pm

(last several days identical so didn't save them)

Goddess of childbirth and prophecy

Carmenta was a goddess of childbirth and prophecy,
associated with technological innovation as well as the protection
of mothers and children, and a patron of midwives. She was also said to have invented the Latin alphabet.
Her festival, called the Carmentalia, was celebrated primarily by women on January 11 and January 15.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sacred Grove
Colours: Blue, White, Yellow
Consort: Mercury
Direction: East, West
Element: Air, Water
Incense: Bay, Laurel
Musical Instrument: Lute, Harp
Offerings: Poems, Songs, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables
Plant/Tree: Walnut, Willow, Juniper
Symbols: Alphabet, Bean Leaves, Divination, Music, Babies
Tarot Card: The Empress
Time: January, Imbolc

God of healing and beauty

Nefertem ("beautiful one who closes") was, originally a lotus flower at the creation of the world,
who had arisen from the primal waters. He represented the first sunlight and the smell of the blue lotus flower.
Statues of Nefertem were carried as good luck charms.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lion
Colours: Blue
Direction: East
Element: Water
Plant/Tree: Lotus, Water Lily
Symbols: Sunlight, Menat, Lotus
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Apr 15, 2016 5:21 pm


Goddess of agriculture.

Chicomecoatl ("seven snakes") is a Goddess of agriculture, nourishment, plenty and the female aspect of corn.
She is depicted with her body and face painted red, wearing a rectangular headdress.
The number seven was associated with luck and generative power.


Pantheon: Aztec
Abode: Fields
Animals: Snakes
Colours: Red
Consort: Centeotl
Element: Earth
Symbols: Corn, Headress, Flowers
Time: September


Pacha Camac
Chthonic creator god.

Pacha Kamaq ("Creator of the World") was believed to have created the first man and woman,
but forgot to give them food and the man died. He was the sky god who created the sun, the moon and the people.
Pachacamac was also believed to be invisible and was never represented in art.


Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Air
Consort: Mama Pacha
Planet: Sun
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:05 pm


Goddess of everything that flows

Benzaiten is the goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music and knowledge.
She became one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. She is also a goddess of beauty,
mothers wishing attractive daughters fasted and prayed for seven days at the temple of Benzaiten.

Pantheon: Japanese
Abode: Caverns
Animals: Dragons, Sea Serpents
Colours: Bue, Silver, White, Yellow
Crystal: Conch, Mother of pearl, Iron, Gold
Direction: East, West
Element: Air, Water
Musical Instrument: Lute
Offerings: Honey, Yellow flowers, Wild berries
Planet: Venus
Plant/Tree: Lotus, Waterlillies, Yellow flowers
Symbols: Sword, Bow and arrow, Wheel, Key, Axe, Spear, Pestle
Tarot Card: Cups
Time: Summer Solstice

God of wild or uncultivated food

He is the god of wild or uncultivated foods and is strongly associated with fernroot.
His brother Rongo is the God all cultivated plants. He was a son of Rangi and Papa,
the primordial parents, the sky father and the earth mother who lie locked together in a tight embrace.
Pantheon: Maori
Element: Earth
Offerings: fernroot, wild berries
Plant/Tree: Fernroot
Symbols: Fernroot, Sickle
Time: Summer
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:04 pm


Goddess of Love and Beauty

Aphrodite ("foam-arisen"), goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation.
Her Roman equivalent is the Venus. She was said to have been born when Cronus severed Uranus' genitals
and threw them into the sea. Her festival, Aphrodisia, was celebrated across Greece.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Mount Olympus
Animals: Dolphin, Dove, Sparrow, Swan, Goose, Partridge
Colours: Yellow, Gold, Pink, Red, Copper, Sea Green
Consort: Hephaestus, Dionysus, Ares, Adonis
Crystal: Copper, Rose Quartz, Aventurine
Day: Friday
Element: Water
Offerings: Apples, Pomegranates, Frankincense, Myrrh, Perfume, Chocolates, Roses, Myrtle, Honey, Wine
Planet: Venus, The Sun
Plant/Tree: Rose, Myrtle, Apples, Lime Tree
Symbols: Scallop Shell, Girdle, Mirror, 6
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Time: Summer Solstice


God of cattle, commerce, music, divination and the underworld

Veles (Volos) is a God of the earth, waters and the underworld, associated with dragons, cattle, magic,
musicians, wealth and trickery. He is said to punish oath-breakers with diseases.
He is the opponent of the thunder god, Perun, from whom he steals Perun's son, wife or, usually, cattle.
Veles was seen as a huge serpent coiling around the roots of the world tree where he ruled the world of dead.


Pantheon: Slavic
Abode: World Tree
Animals: Serpent, Cattle, Bear, Wolf, Dragons
Colours: Green, Black, Blue, Red
Consort: Luna Diana
Crystal: Obsidian, Jet, Onyx, Jasper, Garnet, Bloodstone
Day: Sunday
Direction: North, West
Element: Earth, Water
Incense: Cedar, Wormwood, Clove, Ginger
Offerings: Wine, Wheat
Planet: Mercury
Plant/Tree: Cedar, Oak, Pine, Hawthorn, Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe
Symbols: Wool, Serpents, Cattle, Horns
Tarot Card: Cups, Pentacles
Time: Veija Noc, Ostara, Veles Feast Day - 12th February
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:43 pm

April 18th 2016

Moon Goddess

Chia ("the one who is like the moon"), is a triple goddess and one of the most important of the
Colombian Muisca deities. The element, the Cold, was assigned to Chia. Chia was the head deity of the Zipa ruler,
and her temple in Cundinamarca was an important religious center. It is said that Bochica turned her into an owl,
or threw her into the sky where she became the moon.

Pantheon: Colombian
Animals: Owl
Direction: West
Element: Water
Offerings: Gold, Ceramic Artwork
Planet: Moon

God of wisdom.

God of wisdom, culture, science and studies, he also was an interpreter of dreams.
He was the messenger of the gods and was associated with Apollo and Hermes. Tir's temple was located near Artashat.
He kept record of the good and evil deeds of men for a future day of reckoning.

Pantheon: Armenian
Animals: Lion, Horse, Ox, Sheep, Eagle, Crane, Swallow
Element: Air
Musical Instrument: Lyre
Planet: Mercury
Symbols: Writing, Arrow
Symbols: Moon, Water
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:57 pm


Anna Perenna
Goddess of the circle of the year

An old Roman goddess of the circle of the year and of long life and renewal, health and plenty, her festival
was on the Ides of March (March 15th). Offerings were made to her so that the circle of the year may be completed
happily and to ensure a healthy year. The River Numicius was considered sacred to Anna Perenna.
She can appear as an old woman or a young maiden.
Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sacred Grove
Animals: Hedgehogs, Boars, Crows, Frogs, Bees, Rabbits
Colours: Light green, Red-Voilet, Silver
Crystal: Aquamarine, Moonstone, Clear Quartz, Bloodstone, Jasper Aventurine, Silver
Day: Friday
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Incense: Honeysuckle, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lavender, Vanilla, Pine
Offerings: Cakes, Wine, Dancing, Music
Planet: Venus, Moon
Plant/Tree: Fruit Trees, Rose, Foxglove, Voilet, Daffodil, Birch, Elder
Symbols: Circular Items, Rings, Wheels, Wreaths
Tarot Card: The Moon, The Empress
Time: March 15, First Full Moon Of A New Year, Ostara
God of wisdom and intelligence

Omoikane ("serving one's thoughts.") is a Shinto god of wisdom and intelligence.
He was called upon to give good counsel in the deliberations of the heavenly deities.

Pantheon: Japanese
Element: Air
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:48 pm


Goddess of fertility, home and earth

She watches over spinning and weaving, shearing of sheep, and protects women in child birth.
She is represented as a woman with uplifted hands and flanked by two plow horses.
She was also associated with spell casting.


Pantheon: Slavic
Animals: Horses
Consort: Perun
Element: Water
Symbols: Horses, Rain, Mokosh Stones


God of will and the sun, patron of war and fire, the lord of the South.


Huitzilopochtli is a God of war, sun, human sacrifice and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan.
He was represented as a hummingbird, a black face, and holding a scepter and a mirror.
Panquetzaliztli (7 December to 26 December) was the Aztec month dedicated to Huitzilopochtli.
In the great temple his statue was decorated with cloth, feathers, gold, and jewels.

Pantheon: Aztec
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Hummingbird, Feathers, Mirror
Time: Panquetzaliztli
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:31 pm


Goddesses of childbirth.

The Nixi (Dii Nixi, Nixae) were a triad of Goddesses associated with childbirth,
they were invoked by women in labor and who assisted in giving birth.
A statue of three kneeling nixi or nixae stood in front of the Temple of Minerva on the Capitoline Hill.


Pantheon: Roman
Element: Water


Ruler of the Underworld

Hades ("the unseen") was the Greek god of the underworld.
He was the son of Cronus and Rhea. He is often depecited with the three-headed dog Cerberus.
Persephone was the wife of Hades, daughter of Demeter, whom he abducted while picking flowers.
In protest, Demeter laid a curse on the land and the earth would remain barren until she saw her daughter again.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Underworld
Animals: Sheep, Horses
Colours: Black
Consort: Persephone
Crystal: Amazonite, Fluorite, Jet, Hematite, Lodestone, Red Jasper, Coal
Direction: North
Element: Earth
Incense: Frankincense, Patchouli
Musical Instrument: Drums and all percussion
Offerings: Pomegranate
Planet: Pluto
Plant/Tree: Ebony, Cypress
Symbols: Cerberus, Drinking horn, scepter, Narcissus, key
Tarot Card: The World, Pentacles
Time: Midnight
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:26 pm


Goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science.


Saraswati ("she who has flow"), Goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science. She is the consort of Bramha
and his Shakti, and it was with her knowledge that Brahma created the universe. She is part of a trinity
with Lakshmi and Parvati, who help Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in the creation,
maintenance and destruction of the Universe. She is generally shown to have four arms,
which represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness, and ego.
Pantheon: Hindu
Colours: White
Consort: Brahma
Element: Water
Musical Instrument: Vina
Offerings: Palash
Plant/Tree: White Lotus
Symbols: Swan, Hansa Bird, Peacock
Time: Spring
Fertility God

Wadj-wer ("Great Green"), is a fertility god and personification of the Mediterranean Sea or lakes of the Nile Delta.
He is often depicted in androgynous form with breasts and a swollen belly indicative of pregnancy associating him
with procreation and prosperity. He carries an offering loaf and ankh symbols,
with water signs carved across his body.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Sea, Lakes
Colours: Green
Element: Water
Offerings: Bread, Fish
Symbols: Ankh, Water
Madame Marigold
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Apr 23, 2016 3:17 pm


Goddess of Fruit Trees and Fruit

Pomona was the goddess of fruit trees, garden, and orchards which she watches over and cares for.
She was said to be a wood nymph who scorned the love of Silvanus and Picus.
She married Vertumnus, who tricked her into talking to him by disguising himself as an old woman. She and Vertumnus shared a festival held on August 13. Her priest was called flamen Pomonalis and a sacred grove, called the Pomonal, was located at Ostia.

Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Vertumnus
Offerings: Fruit
Symbols: Pruning Knife, Cornucopia
Time: August 13th


God of the winter sun

He is the god of the winter sun. He is said to represent the old sun which dies on the winter solstice,
being defeated by Chernobog and is resurrected as the new sun on December 23rd.
Hors was believed to move across the sky during the day, and underground at night.
He is also associated with healing and recovery from illness.


Pantheon: Slavic
Abode: Sky
Offerings: Dancing
Planet: Sun
Time: Winter Solstice
Madame Marigold
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:17 pm

April 25th 2016

Goddess of the primitive and unpopulated earth.

Jord ("earth") is a female Jotunn. The Jötunn are a mythological race of giants.
She is the goddess of the uncivilized, uncultivated, and wild earth.
She is the mother of Thor and the personification of the Earth.
She is "counted among the ásynjar (goddesses)" and is the daughter of Annar and Nótt.


Pantheon: Norse
Consort: Odin
Element: Earth

God of rainbows

Uenuku is the god of rainbows. As a man he fell in love with the morning-mist maiden, Tairi-a-kohu.
They married under the condition that Uenuku would not tell his people about her until their child had grown up.
He tricked her into staying after dawn and when she found out she left him.
Desolated he wandered the earth trying to find her, eventually Rangi the Skyfather took pity on him
and changed him into a rainbow so that he could join his family in the sky.


Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Sky
Consort: Tairi-a-kohu
Symbols: Rainbow
Madame Marigold
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:04 pm

April 26th 2016

Goddess of Love and Beauty

Branwen, Daughter of Llyr, was a Goddess of Love and Beauty who features in the Second Branch of the Mabinogi,
which tells the tale of how war broke out between Wales and Ireland. She is a daughter of Llyr and Penarddun
and is married to the King of Ireland, Matholwch.


Pantheon: Celtic
Animals: Raven, Crow, Dove, Sparrow, Starling
Colours: White, Silver, Green
Consort: Matholwch
Crystal: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Peridot, Coral, Copper
Direction: East
Element: Air
Incense: Apple Blossom, Rose, Sandalwood, Mugwort, Elder, Mint
Planet: Venus
Plant/Tree: Elder, Birch, Foxglove, Blackberry
Symbols: Cauldron, Cup, Starling, Waxing Moon
Tarot Card: Cauldron, Wands

Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Sky
Consort: Tairi-a-kohu
Symbols: Rainbow


God of the western deserts.

Ha was a god of the deserts to the west of Egypt.
He was associated with the underworld (Duat) and depicted wearing the symbol for desert hills on his head.
As lord of the desert he protects Egypt from enemies from the west.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Western Desert
Colours: Red
Direction: West
Element: Earth
Symbols: Desert Hills
Madame Marigold
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:21 pm


Goddess of the Earth

Terra or Tellus ("Mother Earth") is a goddess of the earth.
Tellus is one of the twenty principal gods of Rome (di selecti).
She is usually depicted reclining with cornucopia, flowers or fruit.
The Temple of Tellus was located at Carinae on the Oppian Hill.
The sacrum ceriale ("cereal rite") was carried out for Tellus and Ceres.
She was honoured in several festivals; Sementivae (Sowing Festival)
and Fordicidia (Fertility and animal husbandry).
In agriculture she was a personification of the field which receives and cherishes the seed.


Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Caelus
Element: Earth
Offerings: Flowers, Fruit
Symbols: Cornucopia, Flowers, Fruit
Time: April, Spring


Protector God of ancient

Karewit, is the protector God of ancient Charenza.
When depicted alone he is naked with a head with two faces,
an oxen's head on his chest and a rooster's head on his belly.
When depicted with Rugiewit, he has six heads, four male and two female.
His chest sports a lion's head.


Pantheon: Slovic
Symbols: Lion, oxen, Rooster
Madame Marigold
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