Goddess and God of the day

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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:53 pm


Primal goddess, the grandmother of all of the deities.

Iusaaset ("the great one who comes forth") is a primal goddess, the grandmother of all of the deities. She is associated with creation and with the acacia tree, considered the tree of life. She is depicted as a woman wearing the horned vulture crown with the uraeus and the solar disk, carrying an ankh and a scepter.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Element: Water
Plant/Tree: Acacia Tree
Symbols: Vulture, Uraeus, Solar Disk, Ankh


God of the Ocean.

Poseidon (Poisdon) is the God of the Ocean and one of the twelve Olympian deities. He is also referred to as "Earth-Shaker" due to his role in causing earthquakes. He is usually depicted as an older male with curly hair and beard. Poseidon was a son of Cronus and Rhea, he was swallowed by Cronus at birth but later saved by Zeus.


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Sea
Consort: Amphitrite
Element: Water
Symbols: Trident, Fish, Dolphin, Horse, Bull
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:51 pm


Water Goddess

Ahurani is a Water Goddess and of health, prosperity, renown, and for the well-being of the soul. She is also the Goddess of water in all its variations: rivers, wells, lakes, seas, snow and rain.


Pantheon: Persian
Abode: Water, Rivers, Lakes
Colours: Blue
Element: Water


Ram god of fertility.


Banebdjedet (Banebdjed) is a ram god of fertility with a cult centre at Mendes. His wife was the goddess Hatmehit ("Foremost of the Fishes"). Banebdjedet was depicted with four rams' heads to represent the four Ba's of the sun god. Their offspring was "Horus the Child" and they formed the so called "Mendesian Triad".


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Rams
Consort: Hatmehit
Symbols: Rams Horns
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:27 pm


Primordial goddess

Amunet ("the female hidden one") (Amonet, Amaunet) is a Primordial goddess. She is a member of the Ogdoad and the consort of Amun. Amunet was depicted as a woman wearing the Red Crown and carrying a staff of papyrus.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Consort: Amun
Plant/Tree: Papyrus
Symbols: Red Crown, Papyrus


God of the Night, Ruler of the North


Tezcatlipoca ("Smoking Mirror") is the God of providence, matter and the invisible, ruler of the night. His main festival was the Toxcatl ceremony celebrated in the month of May. He is assocaited with a wide range of concepts including the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife.


Pantheon: Aztec
Animals: Jaguar
Colours: Black, Turquoise
Crystal: Obsidian, Turquoise
Incense: Copal Incense, Singing, Dancing
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Mirrors, Jaguar
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:25 pm


Goddess of Childbirth and Midwifery.

Eileithyia (Ilithyia) is the Goddess of Childbirth and Midwifery. She is also the goddess of the pains of birth. The cave of Eileithyia near Amnisos, the harbor of Knossos, is said to be the birthplace of Eileithyia. Her Roman counterpart in easing labor is Lucina ("of the light").


Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Caves


God of the moon.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (Tsukuyomi, Tsukiyomi) is the God of the moon. After climbing a celestial ladder, he lived in the heavens, with his sister Amaterasu Omikami, the sun goddess.


Pantheon: Japanese
Abode: Moon
Offerings: Honey, Barley Cakes, Water
Symbols: Mirror
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:06 pm


Goddess of the sun.

Amaterasu ("shining in heaven") is the Goddess of the sun and the universe. The Emperor of Japan is said to be a direct descendant of Amaterasu. Amaterasu is the sister of Susanoo, the god of storms and the sea, and of Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon.


Pantheon: Japanese
Offerings: Clothing, Food
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Mirror, Jewel, Sword


God of volcanos, the wilderness, and the river.

Aganju is the God of volcanos, the wilderness, and the river. He is said to have been the third God to have come to earth. He is invoked in assisting humans in overcoming great physical as well as psychological barriers.


Pantheon: African
Consort: Ohsun, Yemoja
Element: Fire
Symbols: Volcanos
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:19 pm

Cow-goddess of the sky, fertility, love, beauty, and music.

Hathor was a cow-goddess of ancient origin, as "Mistress of Heaven", she was seen as the celestial cow, whose four legs supported the vault of heaven and her star spangled belly was the sky itself. In Predynastic Egypt, however, it is uncertain if a cult was dedicated to Hathor or Bat as the most likely candidate for the cow-heads on the Narmer Palette (approx 3000BC).


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lynx, Sparrow, Swan, Dove, Cow
Crystal: Emerald, Turquoise, Copper
Musical Instrument: Sistrum
Plant/Tree: Rose, Myrtle, Papyrus, Sycamore
Tarot Card: The Empress, Sevens
Time: Athyr, 17th Sept - 16th Oct


God of Household and Estate.

Lares are the Gods of Household and Estate, the hearth, fields, boundaries or fruitfulness. Roadways, seaways, agriculture, livestock, towns, cities, the state and its military were all under the protection of their particular Lar or Lares. Household shrines were knownas lararia and typically contained a Lares figure or two.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Household
Incense: Incense
Symbols: Cornucopia, Rhyton, Patera
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:04 pm


Goddess of seawater.

Salacia is the Goddess of seawater who presided over the depths of the ocean. She was the wife and queen of Neptune, god of the sea and water. Salacia is represented as a beautiful nymph, crowned with seaweed, driving in a pearl shell chariot drawn by dolphins and seahorses. Salacia is the personification of the calm and sunlit aspect of the sea.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sea
Animals: Dolphins, Seahorses
Consort: Neptune


God of Writing and Scribes.

Nabu is the God of Writing and Scribes and Wisdom. He is the son of Marduk; the god of water, vegetation, judgment, and magic and Sarpanit the mother Goddess. During the Babylonian New Year Festival, the cult statue of Nabu was transported from Borsippa to Babylon in order to commune with his father Marduk. Nabu was the god of writing and scribes and was the keeper of the Tablets of Destiny, in which the fate of humankind was recorded.


Pantheon: Babylonian
Colours: Tashmetum
Symbols: Winged Dragon
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:43 pm


Goddess of war, hunting, fertility, and the flooding of the Nile River.

Satet ("she who shoots forth") (Satis, Satjit, Sates, Sati) is the Goddess of war, hunting, fertility, and the flooding of the Nile River. Her main cult center was in Swenet, modern Aswan. Satet was pictured as a woman wearing the conical crown of Upper Egypt, the Hedjet, with gazelle or antelope horns. She is a guardian of Egypt's southern border, killing the enemies of the Pharaoh with her arrows.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Gazelle
Consort: Khnum
Offerings: Water
Symbols: Arrow, Rivers, Ankh


The father of all the gods and goddesses.

Aramazd is the father of all the gods and goddesses and the creator of heaven and earth. He was the source of earth’s fertility, making it fruitful and bountiful. His festival, the Amanor, or New Year, which was celebrated on March 21st in the old Armenian calendar. The main temple of Aramazd was in Ani.


Pantheon: Armenian
Time: March 21st
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:15 pm


Goddess of Witches

Aradia is the Goddess of Witches. She was sent to teach people how to perform witchcraft and magic. She forms an important part of Wiica, and she features in the Charge of the Goddess. She is invoked as the Great Goddess, Moon Goddess or Queen of the Witches.


Pantheon: Italian


God of Husbandry, Agriculture, and Luck.

Amaethon ("ploughman") is the God of Husbandry, Agriculture, and Luck, and the son of the goddess Don. He is responsible for the Cad Goddeu, or "Battle of Trees", between the lord of the otherworld, Arawn, and the Children of Don.


Pantheon: Welsh
Abode: Fields
Animals: Dogs, Roebuck, Lapwing
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:45 pm


Cow goddess who gave authority to the king.

Bat is the Cow goddess who gave authority to the king. She is the Goddess of 7th Nome of Upper Egypt known as the 'Mansion of the sistrum'. Hut, Hut-Sekhem (Diospolis Parva, Hiw) Known as the City of Sistrum.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Cow
Musical Instrument: Sistrum


Dius Fidius
God of oaths.

Dius Fidius (Dius Fidus) is the God of oaths. His sphere of influence are oaths, respect of compacts and the divine guarantee against their breach.


Pantheon: Roman
Element: Air
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:17 pm


Goddess of Sacred Waters

Damona is the Goddess of Sacred Waters. She is the consort of Apollo Borvo and of Apollo Moritasgus. Damona and Bormana are the patron deities of the hot springs at Bourbonne-les-Bains and Saint-Vulbas.


Pantheon: Celtic
Abode: Hot Springs
Element: Water
Symbols: Water


God of Nocturnal Thunder.

Summanus is the God of Nocturnal Thunder and counterpart to Jupiter, the god of daylight thunder. The temple of Summanus stood at the west of the Circus Maximus. On the 20th of June, round cakes called summanalia, made of flour, milk and honey and shaped as wheels, were offered to him as a token of propitiation.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Air
Element: Air
Offerings: Cakes
Symbols: Solar Wheel, Lightning Bolt
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:04 pm


Goddess of moderation and self-control.

Sphrosyne is the Goddess of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion. She was one of the good spirits that escaped Pandora's box when the first woman had opened the lid and fled to Olympos.


Pantheon: Greek


The wisest of the Vanir gods.

Kvasir is God of Knowledge, wisdom and teaching. He was born of the saliva of the æsir and the Vanir. He was killed by Fjalar and Galar, who mixed his blood with honey, creating the Mead of Poetry, which imbues the drinker with skaldship and wisdom. He is said to know the answer to any question posed to him.


Pantheon: Norse
Offerings: Honey, Mead
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:47 pm


Goddess of witchcraft, death and winter.

Marzanna (Morena) is the Goddess of witchcraft, death and winter and the rebirth of nature. The end of winter was celebrated by throwing an effigy of Morana to the river on first spring day in March.


Pantheon: Slavic
Element: Fire, Water
Time: March


God and spirit of the winds, sky and air.

Stribog (Stribozh, Strzybóg) is the God and spirit of the winds, sky and air. He is said to be the ancestor of the winds of the eight directions.


Pantheon: Slavic
Abode: Air
Element: Air
Symbols: Wind, Sky, Air
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:42 pm


Goddess to whom soldiers sacrificed captured weapons.

Lua is the Goddess to whom soldiers sacrificed captured weapons. She is sometimes referred to as "Lua Saturni" and a consort of Saturn.


Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Saturn
Symbols: Weapons


Zao Jun
God of the kitchen

Zao Jun (Zao Shen) is the God of the kitchen, hearth and family. Just before Chinese New Year he returns to Heaven to report the activities of every household over the past year to the Jade Emperor.


Pantheon: Chinese
Abode: Stove
Element: Fire
Offerings: Paper Effigy, Plaque, Food, Incense
Symbols: Stove
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:28 pm


Goddess and personification of the East.

Iabet (Iabtet, Iab, Abet, Abtet, Ab) is the goddess and personification of the East. She is the consort of Min and was worshipped in Panopolis. She is depicted as a woman with her arms by her sides.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Consort: Min
Direction: East
Symbols: East


God of Gates and Doors.

Janus is the God of Gates and Doors, beginnings and trasistions. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. The Roman month of January (Ianuarius) was named in his honor. He also presided over peace and war, passages and time. January 1 was new year day: the day was consecrated to Janus since it was the first of the new year and of the month (kalends) of Janus. Offerings of dates, figs, honey, coins, Cakes and salt were made to the god and burnt on the altar.


Pantheon: Roman
Offerings: Dates, Figs, Honey, Coins, Cakes, Salt
Time: January 1st
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:51 pm


Vica Pota
Goddess of victory and competitions.

Vica Pota is the Goddess of victory and competitions. She had a shrine located at the foot of the Velian Hill. The festival of Vica Pota was January 5th. She is identified with Votoria and Nike.


Pantheon: Roman
Offerings: Games, Competitions
Time: January 5th


God of the netherworld.

Nergal (Nirgal, Nirgali) is the God of the netherworld. He is a god of war and pestilence, and represents the sun of noontime and of the summer solstice that brings destruction. He is depicted as a lion, or as a mace surmounted by the head of a lion. His chief temple was at Cuthah represented by the mound of Tell-Ibrahim.


Pantheon: Hurrian
Abode: Underworld
Colours: Red
Consort: Allatu, Ereshkigal
Planet: Mars
Tarot Card: Lions, Mace
Time: Noon, Summer Solstice
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:38 pm


Goddess of Marriage and Women.


Juno is the Goddess of Marriage and Women and the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and the mother of Mars and Vulcan, by the chief God Jupiter. Her Greek equivalent is Hera. She was worshipped alongside Juipter and Minerva as a triad on the Capitol. She is often depicted with a peacock, armed and wearing a goatskin cloak.


Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Juipter
Symbols: Peacock, Goatskin Cloak
Time: January


God of sicknesses.

Ruohtta is the God of sicknesses and death. He ruled the land of the dead Rotaimo. People, who did not live their lives according to the natural orders came to Rotaimo, deep in the underground.


Pantheon: Sami
Abode: Rotaimo
Animals: Horses
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:13 pm


Goddess of Beauty and Brightness.

Niamh is the Goddess of Beauty and Brightness. She is the daughter of Manannán mac Lir, one of the Queens of Tir na nóg, and the daughter of Fand. On her magical horse, Embarr, she crossed the Western Sea to ask Fionn mac Cumhail if his son Oisín would come with her to Tír na nóg (the Land of Youth).


Pantheon: Irish
Abode: Land of Youth
Animals: Horses
Consort: Oisin


God of light and the world of the living.

Ao ("Daylight") is the God of light and the world of the living and a primordial deity of nature. With his companions, Ata, "morning" and Whaitua, "space", Ao resists the forces of darkness.


Pantheon: Maori
Symbols: Daylight
Time: Daytime
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:42 pm


Sea Goddess

Tiamat is a primordial Goddess of the ocean. She is the consort of Abzu (the god of fresh water), from who are born the younger gods, Lahmu and Lahamu. She represents a creative sacred marriage between salt and fresh water, as well as being the embodiment of primordial chaos.


Pantheon: Sumerian
Abode: Seas, Oceans
Animals: Sea Serpents, Dragons
Consort: Abzu, Kingu
Element: Water


God of magic

Heka (Hike) is the God and the deification of magic. The term "Heka" was also used for the practice of magical ritual. Heka literally means activating the Ka, the aspect of the soul which embodied personality. By using Heka they could influence the gods and gain protection, healing and transformation. Every aspect of life, every word, plant, animal and ritual was connected to the power and authority of the gods.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Symbols: Twisted Flax, Raised Arms
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:09 pm


Goddess of the Horse

Epona ("Great Mare") is the Goddess of Horses, who protected horses, donkeys and mules. She is also a goddess of fertility. She was worshipped throughout Gaul and the Roman Empire. Her feast day in the Roman calendar was December 18th. She is usually depicted riding, or standing or sitting with horses.


Pantheon: Celtic
Animals: Horses, Donkeys, Mules
Symbols: Cauldron, Patera, Cornucopia, Ears of grain
Time: December 18th


God of death.

Supay (Zupay) is the god of death and ruler of the Uca Pacha, the underworld. He is associated with miners' rituals. After the colonisation by the Spaniards, Supay was used to refer to the Christian Devil.


Pantheon: Inca
Abode: Underworld
Offerings: Dancing
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:24 pm


Guardian goddesses.

The Zorya are the two guardian goddesses, known as the Auroras. They guard and watch over the doomsday hound, Simargl, who is chained to the star Polaris. Zorya Utrennyaya, the Morning Star, opens the gates of the Sun Gods palace every morning for the sun-chariot's to leave. At dusk, Zorya Vechernyaya—the Evening Star—closes the palace gates once more after his return.


Pantheon: Slavic
Abode: Bouyan
Direction: East, West
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Time: Dawn, Dusk


War God.

Quirinus ("wielder of the spear") is a war god and a god of the Roman people and state. His priest was called the Flamen Quirinalis. He was depicted as a bearded man with religious and military clothing. His festival was the Quirinalia, held on February 17, he had a altar on the Quirinal Hill.


Pantheon: Roman
Symbols: Spear
Time: February 17
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:28 pm


Goddess of revenge.

Nemesis (Rhamnousia, Rhamnusia) is the goddess of revenge and divine retribution. She punished those guilty of arrogance before the gods. She is the daughter of Oceanus or Zeus. She is often depicted as a winged Goddess, bringing divine retribution with her.


Pantheon: Greek
Animals: Stags
Plant/Tree: Apple Tree
Symbols: Rein, Lash, Sword, Balance


God of storms and of the sea.

Susanoo-no-Mikoto (Takehaya Susanoo-no-Mikoto) is the God of storms and of the sea. He is the God of Summer storms, brother of Amaterasu, goddess of the Sun, and of Tsukuyomi, god of the Moon. He is also considered to be ruler of Yomi, the land of the dead (World of Darkness).


Pantheon: Japanese
Abode: Sea
Element: Air, Water
Symbols: Sword
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:15 pm

(the White Goddess site I normally get the god/goddess info has been offline for a few days now so I went to another one to at least get something! Hopefully the other will be back soon)



The Goddess of the Sky from Native American Mythology

Iroquois Sky Goddess and mother of the Wind Breath Twins

“She was married to Sky-chief and expecting, but he heard ugly rumors that the child might not be his and cast her out of heaven.

She would have fallen for ever but was caught by birds and came to rest on an island built on a turtle's back by OTTER and MUSKRAT — then she gave birth to the Wind-Breath Twins HAHGWEHDAETGAH and HAHGWEHDIYU. ”
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:58 pm



The God of Creation from African Mythology

Creator God of the Ibo people

“In the beginning CHUKU was floating in the sky pondering the Meaning of Life. In an inspired moment he created Ale. Stop. Before we go any further we must emphatically deny any association with the brewing industry. The Ale created by CHUKU was Mother Earth. Perhaps it may be better to use her alternative name ALA to avoid confusion.

With ALA being fabulously fertile, life and creation were off to a fine flourishing start. CHUKU was particularly delighted with his humans. In another inspired moment he decided that immortality would be a nice present for them. He decreed that any human dropping dead should be laid to rest on Mother Earth and covered with ashes. Resurrection would then swiftly occur. ”
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Aug 19, 2016 3:10 pm



The Gods of Prophecy from Norse Mythology

Three Strange Sages who answer frequently asked questions

“These odd oracles sit on thrones above a rainbow in ASGARD. If you're ever passing that way and have a nagging question to get off your chest, by all means pop in for a shot of mead and wisdom.

When Gylfi, the King of Sweden, tried his luck they gave him the complete History of the Universe in spoken word form without even pausing for breath. Naturally he rushed home afterwards and scribbled it all down for the benefit of future generations
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