
All things arty crafty. Ideas and tips as well as advice. Post your makes for us all to see.


Postby patrah » Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:16 pm

I am not joking....
I am frightened of the winter this year because I seem to have made a poorer choice to move here rather than stay in doom where I was,,,,
Ok I had heat there even though my utility bill was terrible because the people downstairs were likely stealing it....
The plumber won't come til I get the furnace fixed....
I understand....
No way to fix it....
Been trying to call the guy who first worked here (my bad cousins friend who wanted to extort money...I think he realized he had charged too little and wanted to make it up without talking to me about it so decided to do whatever)...
He is holding a grudge apparently and will not call back...
Was told to go to an agency....
State will not help...
My income is such that I have too much to be poverty and not enough to do by myself....
And I have a spending problem....
Asked my children to hold emergency money for me....
No deal...
I will freeze in. Here and will have to turn off water to keep pipes from freezing....
And the tree limb on the roof just keeps creeping....
Am at the end of my rope here....
And most spell's do not make large miracles or so I'm told....
I have run out of things to try...,
I only know I have got to live and stay alive and have some safe comfort in life...
And this idea has got to remain a basic constant....
I am posting in prayer and primrose too...
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

Re: Miracle

Postby Elia » Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:43 pm

Is there any shelters close by?? my goodness, it would not do for me to win the lottery, id buy you a really nice home!!!

Find someone to stay with, there has to be help there somewhere.
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
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Re: Miracle

Postby Ouroboros » Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:07 pm

I petition the Lord and Lady to take care of my friend, Patrah, that she be safe and warm in your arms this winter. Please also take care of Patrah's furry friends and also give them a safe, warm enviroment for them to live in. Food, warmth and comfort for all. So mote it Be.
Love and Laughter
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
Posts: 3729
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Re: Miracle

Postby patrah » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:24 pm

We will have food....
The dogs can stay in a cold house with individual houses and straw....
I would have to be very close by since these are not pups and kittens....
And my income should afford me the luxury of warmth and heat....
I have put feelers out and waiting for responses....
I can buy a used furnace if this one is beyond repair....
It did work last year for awhile til the contractor took things into his own hands....
It may be salvageable....
The cost of a used furnace is small....
The installer is where the price will up.....
So, in November if I pay only car insurance, note and phone....
I may have to invest all I have into heat....
I am asking the plumber to shut water except at basement level to have water....
If reluctant then I will shut it completely to save pipes and buy water.....
A heater/cooler person has got to take my case....
Oh my friends neighbor has now set out a petition for her cats....
I said good, then thank her for helping you to rid the precious neighborhood and let the people know they are all spayed and neutered with paperwork...
Also the biddy said the cats are destroying property....
Digging in dirt...
That biddy needs some drastic medicine...
She rode by while I was in my car talking to friend standing by....
But on the way back the stupid woman would not cross our path...
She totally went around the block....
And still my friend refused to believe that mean person knows about magick...
Whether or not, she is obviously superstitious but meaner than scared....
I am seeing about that....
My friend needs to research the other side of whatever the stupid lady is pursuing and fine out if the biddy is renting the house she has illegally....
The people renting from her found their puppy'water blue....
Ok back to me....
This miracle hads to come about....
Ouroboros thank you for the prayer....
I will be heated up with very care for these critters....
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

Re: Miracle

Postby Ouroboros » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:35 pm

Tell the "Biddy", that the best way to keep cats out of your garden is to own your own cat. They will guard your garden from the others. That is what I used to tell the old Italian guy next door. He was always bitching about my cat. His garden was always so nice and soft because he dug it up all the time. I don't dig much so the cat would go next door.
Love and Laughter
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
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Re: Miracle

Postby patrah » Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:14 pm

I do not know the woman except for the time I was talking to friend and the woman just came up and began hogging the time by saying "I was your right hand"...and farther engaging my friend... Til I finally said my car was running and had to go...
And from seeing her when I go there.....
I found little mackintosh apples a whole bunch for 1.99 and split with my friend....
Still have got potatoes too....
Tonight I will invoke a furnace and finances to cover major repairs....
Then back to banishing people....
My friend won't even talk to the woman....
When I have opportunity I will though...
The woman and that guy apparently do not like animals of any kind....
Dark Beauty
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Re: Miracle

Postby Ouroboros » Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:07 pm

It is a Super Moon tonight a very good time to do your workings. :twisted:
Love and Laughter
Your Evilness Queen of Chaos
Posts: 3729
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Re: Miracle

Postby patrah » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:01 pm

I was ill again Saturday night...
I believe the culprit is the fast food chain I was addicted to...
I had noticed that I would be a tiny bit ill much of the time after eating there...
Then when it went full blown, each time I felt relief I would go back and within hours I would be ill again....
Also I would eat solid food way sooner than I should....
Yesterday I felt good and did not stray from applesauce and bananas....
I will not go to that Restraunt chain any more...
And will eat applesauce bananas and other stomach soothing things....
Maybe soup....
Now, what I did do before feeling ill was to take green a
Candles and other stuff to my sons wife who is now interested in magick....
And to my friend with the kitties....
Gave them both a link or 2 for some magick spell's which they felt confident to do...
One spell is very simple....
I advised each of them I thought it would be good to do it 3 times....
And for that night I asked them to each do a candle spell for me bacause I felt ill...
Well my friend did for me Saturday night...
My sons wife did one for me last night....
Today I did for the third time myself...
And attached some more stuff to add to the spell...
So I kind of had to adlib that way....
I believe them doing for me had enough substance as I had touched and supplied much of their work to them, so there was a bit of synchronicity (ouroboros thank you for explaining that word to me awhile ago, I use it often now), to their work on my behalf....
Kitty me owed yesterday....
My son only had time to remove the standing water in sink....
And will have to replace a pipe and re putty the drain neck....
Still hope for kitty...
I heard her faintly today....
I am fighting the emotions which are usually associated with the state of the cat....
And holding fast to her eetrieval....
More energy in her safety and health and rescue are desired now...
Dark Beauty
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:14 pm

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