Goddess and God of the day

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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:59 pm



goddess of thieves, con men and charlatans.

Laverna was a goddess of thieves, pickpockets, shopkeepers or dealers, plagiarists, rascals,
and the underworld. The Porta Lavernalis on the Aventine Hill was named after Her and she had a
sacred grove on the Via Saleria.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Sacred Grove
Plant/Tree: Wild Poppy
Time: Night

God of love, youth and poetic inspiration.

Aengus or Aengus Og ("Aengus the young") was a God of love, youth and poetic inspiration. He is one of the Tuatha D�anann, his parents were the Dagda (All Father) and Boann, the goddess of the River Boyne.


Pantheon: Irish
Abode: Brugh na Boinne, Newgrange
Animals: Cat, Dove, Sparrow, Deer
Colours: Green, Pink, Red
Consort: Caer Ibormeith
Crystal: Sapphire, Tourmaline, Ruby, Jasper Rose Quartz, Peridot, Copper
Day: Friday
Direction: East
Element: Air
Incense: Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Cinnamon
Musical Instrument: Golden Harp
Offerings: Red Roses, Strawberries
Planet: Venus
Plant/Tree: Violets, Cherry, Basil, Sycamore, Birch, Elder
Symbols: Swan
Tarot Card: World, Justice, The Lovers
Time: Dawn
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:15 pm


Goddess of the wild animals of the steppe.

Inara, was the goddess of the wild animals of the steppe.
In one story she defeats the dragon Illuyanka, arch enemy to the Storm God Teshub,
with the aid Hupasiyas of Zigaratta, her mortal lover. She prepares a great feast,
including much wine, and gets the dragon drunk allowing the storm god to return and kill the dragon.
She is the daughter of Teshub and the protective deity of Hattusha.


Pantheon: Hittite
Consort: Hupasiyas
Time: Spring



A creator deity


Kneph ("Soul Breath"), the Wind, or Air, or Breath of our bodies, was supposed to be the god of Animal and
Spiritual Life and which brought new life to things. He has the head and horns of a ram.
He was a creator deity and later became assimilated as an aspect of Amun.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Ram
Element: Air
Symbols: Ram, Was Sceptre, Snakes, Ankh
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon May 02, 2016 3:20 pm

May 2nd 2016

Goddess of Fertility and the personification of Sothis

Sopdet ("She who is sharp"), Goddess of Fertility of the soil and the personification of Sothis (Sirius).
She is depicted as a woman with a five pointed star on her head. The helical rising of Sothis heralded the arrival
of the Nile inundation. She is called "bringer of the New Year and the Nile flood".
In later periods she was increasingly associated with Isis.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Colours: Sah
Planet: Sirius, Orion
Symbols: Five pointed star, Dog

Fertility god of grain and fish.


Dagan (Dagon), was a Fertility god of grain, fish and fishing. He is associated with fertility and procreation.
He was worshipped at Elba, were he was the head of the pantheon, and Ugarit. His temple complex at Elba
was called E-Mul ("House of the Star").� He is depicted as being part man and part fish.
According to one tradion he was the inventor of the plough.


Pantheon: Sumerian
Consort: Belatu
Offerings: Grain, Fish
Symbols: Plough, Grain
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 04, 2016 1:25 pm

(Sorry for missing yesterday, wasn't feeling to well.)

May 4th 2016

Goddess of the Mountains

Agischanak is a Goddess of the Mountains of the Tlingit poeple, in Alaska.
She supports the pillar on which the earth rests and when the Raven tries to drive her from the pillar,
earthquakes follow.

Pantheon: Ameri-Indian
Abode: Mountains
Animals: Raven
Element: Air
Offerings: Fire
God of poets and skaldi.

Bragi is the God of poets and the patron of all skaldi (poets) in Norse culture.
He is renowned for wisdom, and most of all for fluency of speech and skill with words.
He is said to bring inspiration to poets and writers. The Norse word for poetry is bragr.
It is said that runes were carved on the tongue of Bragi.


Pantheon: Norse
Consort: Idunn
Musical Instrument: Harp
Offerings: Poetry, Mead
Rune: Ansuz
Symbols: Runes, Poetry
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 05, 2016 8:17 pm


Goddess of dawn and twilight, and Venus.

Chasca or Ch'aska ("The long-haired Star") was the goddess of the dawn and twilight and of the planet Venus.
She is the protectress of virgins and young girls. She is associated with spring and renewal.


Pantheon: Inca
Offerings: Flowers
Planet: Venus
Symbols: Sun, Fire, Flowers
Time: Dawn, Twilight


God of weather, thunder, lightning, rain, wind and storms

Tawhirimatea (Tawhiri) Maori God of weather, thunder, lightning, rain, wind and storms.
He is a son of Papatuanuku (earth mother) and Ranginui (sky father). He was one of the gods who opposed
the separation of his parents. He sent forth clouds, winds and storms as part of his war against his brother.
He is father of the four winds, Tuaraki (North), Tonga (South), Marangai (East) and Hauauru (West).


Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Sky
Symbols: Weather of all kinds, Lightning
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri May 06, 2016 1:35 pm


Goddess of watchfulness and truth.

Syn ("Refusal") was a Norse Goddess of watchfulness, truth and Doorways.
She guards the door of the hall, and closes it against those who are unworthy.
In trials she guards those suits in which anyone tries to make use of falsehood.
Hence is the saying that "syn is set against it," when anyone tries to deny ought.

Pantheon: Norse
Abode: Doorways

God of Seasons

Vertumnus is the god of seasons, change and plant growth, as well as gardens and fruit trees.
He has the power of shape-shifting. He festival the Vertumnalia was held 13 August.
Pantheon: Roman
Time: 13 August
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat May 07, 2016 1:59 pm


Goddess of fate and protection

Hemsut (Hemuset) was the goddess of fate and protection.
She is representative of the ka (vital spark of the human soul) and were the female counterparts of the Ka.
Her headdress bears a shield, above which are two crossed arrows.
They were often depicted as women cradling children.
They were said to have been created by Ptah or as forces raised by Neith from the primeval waters.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Element: Water
Symbols: Shield, Bows, Children

God of heaven, lord of constellations, king of gods

Anu ("sky, heaven") was a sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations,
king of gods, spirits and demons, and dwelt in the highest heavenly regions.
He was part of a triad of gods with Enlil (god of the air) and Enki (god of water).�
According to legends, An took over heaven when Ki (Earth) gave birth to Enlil (god of the air)
and separated Heaven and Earth.


Pantheon: Sumerian
Abode: Heaven
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon May 09, 2016 1:35 pm


Goddess of milk, nurturing and childbirth

Iat is a Goddess of milk and of nurturing and childbirth.
The Egyptian word for milk is iatet. Milk was among the most divine of nourishments.
She is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts, Utterance 211, where she is described as being the Kings Foster Mother:
"..for my foster mother is Iat, and it is she who nourishes me, it is indeed she that bore me."
She is seldom mentioned in ancient texts and very little is known about her.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Element: Water
Offerings: Milk
Symbols: Bowl, Milk


Supreme King of the Gods

Jupiter (Jove) is the king of the gods, the sky, thunder and the cheif god of the Romans,
he was the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus. His two main symbols were the Thunderbolt and the Eagle,
which were often combined in the form of an eagle holding thunderbolts in it's claws. He was a divine witness
to oaths, propechy and augury, viniculture. He was worshipped at the Temple of Jupiter, on the Capitoline Hill
along with Juno and Minerva.


Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Hills, Sky
Animals: Eagle, Horses
Colours: White, Red
Consort: Juno
Day: Thursday
Element: Air
Offerings: Bread, Milk, Cheese, Walnuts
Planet: Jupiter
Plant/Tree: Oak Tree
Symbols: Thunderbolt, Chariots
Time: July
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue May 10, 2016 2:50 pm


Mother Goddess

Aditi ("Unbound, Free One") is a sky goddess and mother of the gods from whose cosmic matrix the heavenly bodies
were born. She is the mother of everything and she is associated with space and mystic speech.
She is sometimes identified as the cosmic cow, the creator of the universe. She is invoked for protection,
cattle, forgivness, freedom from sin, abundance, wealth and safety.


Pantheon: Hindu
Abode: Space
Animals: Cow
Symbols: Butter, 12, Cow


Lord of darkness and embodiment of evil

Whiro, is the lord of darkness and the embodiment of all evil.
His brother and arch-enemy is Tane, the god of forests and of birds.
As an underworld deity he is responsible for the ills of all persons.
In legends when people die, their bodies descend into the underworld, where they are eaten by Whiro.


Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Underworld
Animals: Lizard
Colours: Black
Time: Night
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 11, 2016 3:53 pm


Goddess of destiny

Istustaya is a goddess of destiny who is closely associated with Papaya,
their task is to spin the thread of life, especially the one of the king.
They are strongly associated with divination, communication (with the Divine) and destiny.
Her symbols are sacred dance, circles, mirrors, and thread.

Pantheon: Hittite
Element: Air
Symbols: Sacred dance, circles, mirrors, thread

God of the Air

Aether ("brightness") is a Greek primordial deity, the first-born elementals.
Aether is the personification of the upper air.
He embodies the pure upper air that the gods breathe,
as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals.

Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Upper Air
Consort: Hemara
Element: Air
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 12, 2016 1:32 pm


Goddess of the Moon

Mano (Manno, Aske, Manna) is a personification of the moon, she was considered unpredictable and dangerous.
She was worshiped around the time of the new moon, especially around the Winter Solstice,
and during that time it was taboo to make any kind of noise.


Pantheon: Sami
Planet: Moon
Symbols: Moon
Time: Winter Solstice


God of the sky, weather and storms.

Teshub is the God of the sky, weather and storms. He is depicted holding a triple thunderbolt and a weapon,
usually an axe or mace. His symbol was the Sacred Bull and was the wife of Hebat the mother goddess.
He slew the serpent dragon Illuyanka.


Pantheon: Hurrian
Abode: Sky
Animals: Bull
Consort: Hebat, Arinniti
Element: Air
Symbols: Sacred Bull, Thunderbolt, Axe, Mace
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri May 13, 2016 1:12 pm


Goddess associated with rejoicing, singing, and dancing

Meret ("beloved") was the wife of Hapy, the god of the Nile. She was a Goddess associated with rejoicing,
singing, and dancing and symbolic of bounty from the inundation of the Nile. She is depicted with the either
the Blue Lotus or Papyrus - the symbols for Upper and Lower Egypt - and an offering bowl.
In later times she became goddess of the eighth hour, in the Book of Gates.


Pantheon: Egyptian
Colours: Hapy
Element: Water
Offerings: Singing, Dancing
Symbols: Blue Lotus, Papyrus, Offering Bowl


God of thunder and lightning.

Raijin ("thunder God") was the God of thunder and lightning and storms.
He is depicted as a red demon beating drums to create thunder. Raijin is also considered a god of agriculture,
his lightning is said to fertilise rice plants.


Pantheon: Japanese
Consort: Raiju
Element: Air
Plant/Tree: Rice
Symbols: Drums
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat May 14, 2016 1:15 pm


Sun goddess.

Hebat (Kheba, Khepat) Sun and mother goddess, known as "the mother of all living".
She is also a Queen of the gods. She is wife to Teshub.
Hebat later assimilated the Hittite sun goddess Arinniti.


Pantheon: Hurrian
Consort: Teshub
Planet: Sun
Symbols: Sun


God of wind.

Ehecatl ("Wind") is a God of winds and a creator god, he is also associated with all the cardinal points.
He symbolised fertility and human breath. He is seen as an aspect of the Feathered Serpent deity (Quetzalcoatl).
His breath caused the sun and moon to move and drive away the rain.


Pantheon: Aztec
Abode: Underworld
Colours: Black
Element: Air
Symbols: Conch Shell, Tree
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun May 15, 2016 5:56 pm


Goddess of the sun

Xihe is a sun goddess and one of the wives of Emperor Jun, the most mighty God of them all.
She was the mother of Ten Suns, in the form of Three-legged crows, who lived in a Mullberry Tree.
Each day Xihe bathed one of her children in the river and the child-Sun would fly up into the sky
and be the Sun for each day. One day all ten sun birds came out on the same day, causing the world to burn.
Houyi the archer shoot down all but one of the sun birds which has to be the Sun everyday so that the
world has light. She is said to have created the calendar.


Pantheon: Chinese
Animals: Crow
Colours: Black
Planet: Sun
Plant/Tree: Mullberry Tree
Symbols: Chariot


God of sunset.


Xolotl ("The Animal, The Dog") is the god of fire and lighting, the underworld, sickness and deformities.
He guarded the sun when it went through the underworld at night. Xolotl was depicted as a skeleton,
a dog-headed man, or a monster animal with reversed feet. He was assocaited with misfortune and bad luck.


Pantheon: Aztec
Animals: Dog
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Symbols: Fire, Salamander, Twins
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon May 16, 2016 1:02 pm


Goddess of love, passion and marital harmony.

Sjofn is Goddess of love, passion and marital harmony.
She is said to "direct people's minds to love, both women and men";
and from her name love-longing is called sjafni. She is listed as the seventh of the Asynjur.


Pantheon: Norse


God of night and darkness.

Chernobog ("Black God"), God of night and darkness, he is said to be associated with bad fortune.
He is counterpart to Belobog or the White God. Belobog, the force of orderly creation
fought with Chernobog which caused the world to come into being.


Pantheon: Slavic
Colours: Black
Tarot Card: The Devil
Time: Winter
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Tue May 17, 2016 2:24 pm

Tuesday May 17th 2016

Goddess of the sun, destruction, pestilence, and war

Sekhmet ("the one who is powerful") was originally goddess of healing for Upper Egypt.
Depicted as a lioness it is said that her breath created the desert.
She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare.
Sekhmet also is a solar deity, sometimes called the daughter of the sun god Ra
and often associated with the goddesses Hathor and Bast.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lion
Colours: Red
Consort: Ptah, Nun
Element: Water
Offerings: Dancing, Wine, Beer
Symbols: Sun disk, Red linen


God of male fertility, viniculture and freedom.

Liber ("the free one") is a God of male fertility, viniculture and freedom and part of the Aventine Triad. His festival of Liberalia (March 17) became associated with free speech and the rights attached to coming of age. It was celebrated with sacrifices, processions, ribald and gauche songs, and masks which were hung on trees. He was closely identified with Bacchus and Dionysius.

Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Ceres, Libera
Offerings: Songs, Masks, Cakes, Oil, Honey
Plant/Tree: Ivy
Symbols: Phallus
Time: Liberalia (March 17)
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 18, 2016 2:53 pm


Goddess of creation, war, and hunting.

Neith (Nit, Net, Neit) is a Goddess of creation, war, and hunting and the patron deity of Sais.
As a goddess of war and hunting her symbols were two crossed arrows over a shield.
She is said to make the weapons of warriors and to guard their bodies when they died.
She also is closely associated with water, being considered the personification of the primordial waters
of creation and as a great mother goddess. She is sometimes depicted with a weavers shuttle on her head,
or as a woman with the head of a lioness, a snake or as a cow.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lion
Consort: Nun, Khnum
Symbols: Crossed Arrows, Shield, Weavers Shuttle, Bow
God of woods and fields.

Inar is a God of woods and fields with similar tasks as Kurunta, the god of wild animals and hunting.
In mythology Tarhun sends Inar to look for sun god Istanu, but the ice devil Hahhima freezes Inar.
Pantheon: Hittite
Abode: Woods, Fields
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 19, 2016 12:28 pm


Goddess who protected breastfeeding mothers.

Rumina (Diva Rumina) is the Goddess who protected breastfeeding mothers and nursing infannts.
Rumina's temple was near the Ficus Ruminalis, the fig tree at the foot of the Palatine Hill where Romulus
and Remus were raised by a she-wolf.


Pantheon: Roman
Offerings: Milk
Plant/Tree: Fig Tree


God of protection of infants at birth.

Pilumnus ("staker") God of protection of infants at birth, ensuring they grew properly and stayed healthy.
He was also a nature deity who taught people how to grind corn. A ceremony to honour the deity involved
driving a stake into the ground.


Pantheon: Roman
Consort: Danae
Symbols: Grain, Stake
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Fri May 20, 2016 2:55 pm


Goddess of War

Pakhet ("she who scratches") is a feline goddess of war, a synthesis of Sekhmet and Bast.
She is associated with Hathor and wears a solar disk as part of her crown.
She is described as a night huntress with sharp claws. She was depicted as a feline-headed woman or as a feline, often depicted killing snakes with her sharp claws.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lion, Desert Lynx
Symbols: Sun Disk

God of cultivated food.

Rongo ("peace") is a major god, the god of cultivated food, especially the Sweet Potato.
Rongo and his brothers separated their parents Rangi and Papa to allow daylight into the world.
Small statues representing Rongo would be placed alongside the fields to encourage abundance.

Pantheon: Maori
Abode: Fields
Plant/Tree: Sweet Potato
Symbols: Sweet Potato, Yams, Gourds
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat May 21, 2016 1:49 pm


Spider Goddess

Arachne was a mortal who boasted that her skill at weaving was greater than that of Athena.
She challenged Athena to a weaving contest. She was eventually turned into a spider by Athena.

Pantheon: Greek
Animals: Spiders
Plant/Tree: Monkshood
Symbols: Loom, Weaving, Webs

God of Healing and Medicine.

Dian Cecht ("Strong Plough") (Cainte, Canta) is the God of healing and healer for the Tuatha Dé Danann.
He blessed a well called Slane, where the Tuatha Dé could bathe in when wounded.
It would heal any wound but decapitation. He is also associated with craftsmen,
replacing the arm of King Nuada with a silver workable arm.

Pantheon: Irish
Crystal: Silver
Symbols: Wells

I was already planning in making a tabletop wishing well for my altar now think going to add a version of this god to it as well!
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sun May 22, 2016 2:58 pm


Goddess of war, motherhood and wisdom.

Nane was the goddess of war, wisdom, and motherhood, and the daughter of the supreme god Aramazd.
She is depicted as a beautiful warrior woman holding a spear and shield.
She is closely associated with the Goddess Anahit, goddess of fertility and healing, wisdom and water.
She was identified with the Greek Goddess Athena. Her temple in Thil was destroyed during the
Christianization of Armenia.

Pantheon: Armenian
Symbols: Spear, Shield

God of war and weather.

Maahes ("he who is true beside her") is a lion-headed God of war, weather, knives, lotuses, and devouring captives.
He was the son of either Sekhmet or Bast. Feline deities were associated with the pharaohs.
He is depicted as a man with the head of a male lion, occasionally holding a knife and wearing the
double crown of Egypt, or the atef crown. His titles include Wielder of the Knife, and The Scarlet Lord.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Lions
Symbols: Lion, Knife, Double Crown, Atef Crown
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Mon May 23, 2016 6:15 pm


Goddess of the Nile River.


Anuket ("She Who Embraces") (Anqet, Anukis) is the personification and goddess of the Nile,
particularly at Elephantine. She is part of a triad of gods with Khnum and Satis.
She was depicted as a woman with a headdress of feathers.
A temple dedicated to Anuket was erected on the Island of Seheil called Amen-Hery-Ab - A
men's Heart is Content.
Pantheon: Egyptian
Abode: Elephantine
Animals: Gazelle, Fish
Colours: Dark Browns, Black
Day: Saturday
Element: Water
Offerings: Gold, Coins, Jewellery
Symbols: Feathers
Time: Festival of Anuket
God of Boundary Markers.

Terminus ("boundary stone") is the God of Boundary Markers,
sacrifices were performed to sanctify each boundary stone. An annual festival, Terminalia,
was celebrated each year on February 23rd to renew ths foundation ritual.
It was considered sacrilege to move boundary stones.
He protected not only private property but also state boundaries.
Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Boundary Stones
Offerings: Crops, Honeycombs, Wine, Garlands
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Wed May 25, 2016 3:00 pm


Goddess of rain.

Perperuna (Dodola) is a Goddess of rain and the wife of the God Perun (God of thunder).
When Perperuna milks her heavenly cows, the clouds, it rains on earth.
At Spring she flies over woods and fields bringing greenery and decorates the trees with blossoms.
In times of drought she was invoked to induce rain by the dancing and singing of young women.

Pantheon: Slavic
Consort: Perun
Element: Water
Offerings: Dancing, Singing, Rain
Symbols: Rain
Time: Spring

Math Ap Mathonwy
God of Magic, Sorcery, and Enchantment.

Math Ap Mathonwy (Math, son of Mathonwy) is a God of Magic, Sorcery, and Enchantment.
When not at war, he must rest his feet in the lap of a virgin or he would die.
The story of Math is the fourth book of The Four Branches of the Mabinogi.

Pantheon: Welsh
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Thu May 26, 2016 3:18 pm


Goddess of memory and money.

Moneta ("one who warns") is a Goddess of memory, prosperity, finances and money.
The English word money derives from her name. The title was given to two goddesses,
Mnemosyne and Juno Moneta. She is also a goddess of marriage or advice.
She is depicted wearing robes, holding scales and a cornucopia.


Pantheon: Roman
Animals: Geese
Offerings: Coins, Money
Symbols: Scales, Cornucopia
Time: June 1st

God of youth and the moon.

Khonsu ("traveller") (Chonsu, Khensu, Khons, Chons, Khonshu) is a god of the moon and associated with the passage of time and the nightly travel of the moon across the sky.

Khonsu was invoked to protect against wild animals, increase male virility, and to aid with healing.
It was said that when Khonsu caused the crescent moon to shine, women conceived, cattle became fertile, and all nostrils and every throat was filled with fresh air.

Pantheon: Egyptian
Animals: Goose, Ram, Crocodile, Baboon
Symbols: Moon, Sidelock, Menat, Crook and Flail
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Re: Goddess and God of the day

Postby Madame Marigold » Sat May 28, 2016 3:39 pm

(its back up!)


Goddess of truth.

Veritas ("Truth") is the goddess of truth, truthfulness and sincerity, she is a daughter of Saturn
and the mother of Virtue. She is depicted as a young virgin dressed in white.
It is said she hid at the bottom of a holy well so she could not be found.

Pantheon: Roman
Abode: Wells
Colours: White


God of Wine, Agriculture, and Fertility of Nature.

Dionysus is the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy.
Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus, the home of the Gods.
He was the son of a mortal woman, Semele and Zeus, who sewed him into his thigh.
He discovered the culture of the vine and the making of wine; but Hera struck him with madness.

Pantheon: Greek
Abode: Mount Olympus
Animals: Leopard, Tiger, Panther, Bull, Serpents
Colours: Purple
Consort: Ariadne
Element: Earth
Musical Instrument: The Aulos (Double Pipe)
Plant/Tree: Fennel, Ivy, Fig
Symbols: Staff, Pine Cone, Grapevine, Wine, Fig
Madame Marigold
Free Spirit
Posts: 2076
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:53 pm


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